Seriously? Shopping?!

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The whole walk back to their house was quiet. Kyo didn’t know what happened since she and Taiga walked a few meters after them, not able to hear their conversation earlier. The Araki sisters reached their home and Ame didn’t bother to say goodbye to Teppei. But he still called her. “Amei-chan, wait a minute!” he called.

The cold hearted girl manages to stop after hearing her name and so did Kyo who was now at the door. The younger girl turned her head to Teppei but her sister didn’t. “Kyo, go inside” Ame ordered sternly with a hard stare. Kyo didn’t say anything and quietly closed the door. Teppei gave Taiga the look that he should go and so he did.

“What do you want?” Ame asked turning slightly at him.

“Amei-chan… what you said earlier, what does it mean?” he responded her question with a question.

Ame put a hand on her hip. “It’s obvious Teme. I’m a cold hearted person. I don’t care about other people’s feelings or their efforts. I simply ignore the things around me, and don’t give a shit about it. I do that to people who deserve it”

“What about me, Amei-chan? Do I deserve all that treatment? Your act of coldness towards me?”

“It’s my normal act towards people, you idiot” Ame looked away. “In any case, you don’t deserve this treatment so I suggest you just stay away from me”

“I don’t think that’ll work” Ame gave him a look but he just smiled. “Because whatever happens, I’ll never give up on you Amei-chan. I’ll wait for the time when you’ll start to accept me as you friend and when that happens, I want to make your cold heart melt like mine and see you smile! ^_^”

“Uh…” Ame didn’t know what to say and faced her back at him. “Whatever. Good luck with that, idiot” she spat and went inside their house, slamming the door shut. She looked up the ceiling processing the words and held her heart. ‘Melt my heart…? Tch. Yeah right’ Ame faced towards the hallway and saw Kyo smiling at her.

“By the looks of it, I think Kiyoshi-senpai’s done with step 1” Kyo said as Ame quirked an eyebrow. Kyo just shook her head bubbly and went upstairs while humming a happy tune. “Oh and Ame-ne” Kyo stopped half way the stairs. “Tomorrow we won’t have any practice but you still have to wake up early”

“How come?” Ame questioned.

“Let’s just say, the two of us will be going at some place”

“Hmph, if you say so…”


“Hey Kyo…”

“What is it, Ame-ne?”

“You told me the two of us will be going at some place, didn’t you?”


“Then why…” Ame paused and pointed at the crowd beside them while waiting for the train to stop at some station. “WHY ARE ALL THESE PEOPLE WITH US?!?!?!” she referred to the Seirin team who was just beside them.

“Stop yelling, people are looking at you” Kyo reminded with a weirded out face.

“You tell me! You told me it’s just the two of us?! And then they show up?!?!” Ame ranted with anger as Kyo handed her PSP. “You little—Ah, Johnny~” Ame calmed down as soon as the device was in her hands. It’s been a while since she last played otome games because of the training she was attending. And Kyo had to confiscate it from her so she could focus on the team.

“Is her PSP the only thing that could calm her down?” Junpei commented with a sweat drop at Ame. Riko shrugged beside him and turned forward as soon as the train stopped in front of them. They took a 30 minute train ride until it stopped at a district in Tokyo which Kyo always buy stuff from every shopping day she have with their oldest sister.

Turn My Cold Heart To Iron (Kuroko No Basuke-Teppei Kiyoshi Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now