> Nonchalant Girl

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Kyo's POV

All throughout the walk, Ame-ne kept bugging me about her PSP, demanding to return it to her but I was hard as steel so I didn't.

Ame-ne needs to learn from her mistakes!

"Kyaaa! Kyo you're so mean and cruel! How could you do this to your older sister?!" she whined, crying comically, like a five year old.

Wait; scratch that, like a 3 year old TODDLER.

Seriously, is she really my OLDER sister? I sweat dropped giving up on her, same with Ame-ne who just yelled at me before running of to Seirin leaving me with Kiyoshi-senpai.

"I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS KYO! NOT NOW BUT I WILL!" so should I be scared about your threat Ame-ne? Seriously?

I heard Kiyoshi-senpai laugh as I looked up at him (he's taller than me) and saw that cute smile of his. S-So handsome!

"Ame-ne-chan's really hyper today," he chuckled.

"She's just like that when I confiscate her PSP," I informed. She is. "She's really weird. I'm having thoughts that she's originally an alien from outer space that's taken the form of my sister who they've abducted and flew to Mars to be a human sacrifice..."

"You're just the same, Kyo-chan," Kiyoshi-senpai patted my head as I realized what I have just said.

"E-EH!" I cover my mouth blushing and senpai laughed at me again. Embarrassing!!!

Ame's POV

Kyo... She confiscated my PSP AGAIN! Gah, now I can't fully conquest my beloved Kiro! Yes, I am a female version of Katsuragi Keima as you can see and—bleh, who am I kidding? I've got no glasses.

Besides, Keima-kun is too awesome for me to be him. Such a sad life I have.

"I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS KYO! NOT NOW BUT I WILL!" I threatened her and sprint my way to Seirin, leaving her with Kiyo... Kiyorinesi... Kiyomuro...?

Gah, who cares! I don't remember his name!

I reached my classroom and stomped my way to my desk catching my classmates' attention. What are they looking at? 

I flopped on my chair, dropping my bag on the floor lazily and leaned my head on the desk.

"Hey, why isn't Araki playing on her PSP?" I heard a guy whisper. Must be that guy who... I think he likes to say corny jokes.

Miraculously, I remembered his existence because I once punched him in the gut for telling a terrible joke about me.

I don't remember his name though... or his face... I just remember his voice. Yeah... that's it, only the voice.

"Araki-imouto must've taken her PSP again," smart guy whoever said that. THANK YOU, for pointing it out that I am parted with my beloved Kiro.

I groaned burying my face in my arms, leaning on the desk. Why did I do to deserve this? 

I heard the door open but I didn't look up because really... I don't give a damn...

I heard yells and greetings and this guy who squeals like a girl yells the name 'Kiyoshi'. Have I heard that name before?

Lifting my head up, I saw this huge brunette guy who was greeted by my three classmates, whose names... I'm not familiar off... I don't know, I forgot.

I don't pay attention in introductions. And names.

But, this guy seems familiar...

After the brunette dude greeted his friends, or fans, or whatever, he walked over behind me where I think his seat was and sat. gah, I'm sleepy.

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