My Aunt

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“They should’ve won by now” Ame mumbled staring up the ceiling why lying on her bed. She was sick today so she wasn’t allowed to watch the game of Seirin. Aside from Kyo, Teppei and Riko didn’t want her to attend because of last time she went to their game and ended up worsening her fever. Ame told Kyo to go to Seirin’s game and just asked their oldest sister to come and take care of her. “Nikki, the phone’s ringing. Could you answer it? It’s really noisy” she requested turning to her side, and covering herself with the sheets.

“Hai, hai” her sister’s faded voice answered and picked up the phone by the kitchen. “Mush mush?”

“Damn fever” Ame coughed sitting up then heard Nikki talking all friendly to someone on the phone. It made her curious and sneaks out of her room and sat on the stairs to eavesdrop on her sister.

“Ah! Hai! Hanamin would be so happy to hear from you!” Ame raised an eyebrow when she heard Nikki say that to the phone before hanging up. She greeted her sister when Nikki headed upstairs and saw her sitting on the floor. “Hanamin”

“Who were you talking to?” Ame questioned.

Nikki pulled that unreadable smile of hers, tilting her head to the side, cutely. “Hehe, not telling” She made Ame pout but ignored it and pushed her back inside her room to rest. “C’mon Hanamin, go rest and I’ll wake you up when Kyo and your friend comes”

“Hn? Teppei is coming?” Ame asked as Nikki looked at her. “Who’s Teppei?” that question made Ame flinch. ‘Crap, I still haven’t told Nikki and Kaede about him…’ “Teppei…” Nikki muttered rubbing her chin and remembered. “Ah! Is it Hanamin’s boyfriend?” Ame’s jaw dropped. ‘WHAT?!’ Nikki just smiled at her. “Don’t worry. Kyo already told me about your love story. It’s pretty romantic actually”

“W-Wait Kyo told you?!” Ame hollered her eyes widening. “What did she say—” Ding dong. Their conversation was interrupted when the doorbell rang; meaning that Kyo had arrived with the others.

“That must be them” Nikki clasped her hands together, rotating her body to head for the door. Ame stood there frozen, holding her hand out.

“W-Wait!” =_=

.           .           .

“Are you okay now, Amei-chan?” Teppei asked as he sat down beside Ame’s bed where she was lying down, resting. He checked her forehead and smiled. “You seem to cool down for a bit”

“Y-Yeah” Ame covered her face with her blanket and sat up when Kyo arrived with her ramen. “Ramen!” she cheered getting out of bed, and sat in front of the small table where Kyo placed the dish on. “Itadakimasu!”

“Oi Ame-ne, drink your medicine afterwards, okay?” Kyo reminded to receive a nod from Ame. “Good. Senpai, please take care of her for a while” Teppei nodded at her direction before she disappeared off to do more chores, leaving the two alone in the room.

“You really like eating ramen whenever you have fever” Teppei commented watching Ame eat like a kid who hasn’t been eating for years.

“Well I got used to it because of my aunt” Ame mentioned after slurping all the noodles in her chopsticks.

“Your aunt?” Teppei wondered as she started to tell him about Araki Masako.

“Yeah. My dad’s twin sister, Araki Masako. When I still lived with my dad, she’d always visit us and cook her homemade ramen whenever I was sick or even my dad. Both of us got used to it so whenever we get fever, we always crave for that ramen of hers” Ame told him, remembering the times of her child hood. It made her smile a bit. “I was really close to her back then but when I found out that she was the one who suggested that my dad should work overseas for me, I got really mad at her and told her that I hate her” she said sheepishly, scratching the back of her head.

“Eh? Why are you acting casual about it, Amei-chan?”

“Hey, hey. I know my mistake so the following day I said sorry to her. She did accept my apology but…” Ame paused. “Since then, we were never that close anymore”

“Amei-chan” Teppei looked at her sadly then looked at the ramen Kyo prepared for Ame. ‘I bet, she’s missing her aunt’s homemade ramen’.

“Hey don’t look depressed all of a sudden” Ame lifted his chin to look at her and shoved some noodles into his mouth with her chopsticks. “Kyo’s ramen isn’t that bad either! Though it tasted a bit different when Nikki or Kaede does it!”

“Amieychun” Teppei swallowed the food and breathed heavily. “I almost died there!”

“You’re just exaggerating” Ame uttered and smiled at him. “Ne Teppei, if ever I get the chance; I’ll ask Oba Masako to cook ramen for us. So you could taste how delicious it is”

“Amei-chan” Teppei blushed when he saw that smile of hers and returned the gesture. “Sure”

“By the way, who’s your next opponent in the quarter-finals?” Ame asked continuing to eat her noodles.

“Ah, about that. We’re going to play against Yosen tomorrow” Teppei answered turning serious while Ame spitted her food at his face.



Ame’s POV

This is not good… this is not good… =_=”

It’s Oba Masako’s team, Yosen. The super defensive school here in the Winter Cup tournament. I didn’t get the chance to watch the CD of their games but I heard from Kyo that they’ve been winning two times in a row without letting their opponents score. Damn their defense.

“You seem a bit tensed Ame, loosen up will you?” Riko ordered making me flinch. She sighed. “I just told you…”

“But Riko!” I stammered and looked at her nervously. “I wasn’t able to—”

“I also told you that it’s okay. You’ve been worn-out training them for a month before the Winter Cup started, so it’s my turn to coach the team. Clear?”

I gulped.

“Yes coach” I finally relaxed and eased down my shoulders. Teppei suddenly drape his arm around my shoulder and ruffled my hair.

“Don’t worry Amei-chan. We’ll definitely have fun in this game” he assured smiling down at me, (since he’s taller). Somehow I felt relieved just seeing that smile of his. It calms me down.

“Let me correct that” I say firmly and placed my palms on my hips, facing the team. “You guys will have fun and win this game, you hear me?”

“Hai!” they all chorused as I smiled proudly at them.

“Good” I finished when suddenly; an intimidating presence appeared behind my back. I turned to see the players of Yosen High, and their coach staring at us. Masako…!

“Ah Ame, I see we’re going against your team” Tatsuya greeted me with a smile as I saw Taiga tense up. “Hello, Taiga” wait, so they know each other?

“Tatsuya” I and Taiga said in unison facing the raven haired guy.

“Hmm, you and Coach Araki do look alike” he commented on my features as one of his teammates but in, peeping behind Tatsuya to see my face.

“Oh, you’re right Himuro, it’s like the teenage version of her” the dirty blonde said. I stepped away from him, grabbing hold of Teppei’s sleeve as a habit. “The same glare too”

“Oi, what are you guys still doing here inside?” Masako suddenly appeared, scolding her team and making me and Kyo freeze.

Masako’s hereeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

She noticed me and Kyo but remained a poker face. “Kyo, Ame” she called us. “I look forward for our match”


 dis chapter is dedicated to my girl crush Araki Masako <3

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