You're the one who did it! This was your idea!

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Riko’s POV

I notice Kyo staring at her sister for a while now which made me too. Araki-san was just staring peacefully at the team as they practiced. Her eyes gaze at each player, especially Teppei. Hmm, does she like him? ^_^

I start to fantasize about them because like Kyo, I think they make a cute couple. “Um, Coach…” Kyo gave me a weird look with a sweat dropped.

I stopped and cleared my throat regaining my posture and turned to Kyo. “What is it, Kyo?” I asked her, formally.

“Ano, Kiyoshi-senpai doesn’t look so good right now” she informed me sheepishly as my eyes shot back at Teppei who was panting uncontrollably and sweating two times he should normally do. Teppei… was he like this the whole time…? If so, then…

Araki-san must’ve notice before I did… no, Kyo pointed it out for me. And I didn’t even notice it myself. Man…

Araki-san is good at this stuff. Even Kyo noticed it even though she’s not as good as her sister. “Oi” someone called me as I turned to my right and saw Araki-san handing me papers of… the team’s data? She crossed her arms then blew at her bangs before starting to explain stuff to me. “You asked me or rather Kyo forced me to come up with training stuff without me knowing each player’s stats so I had to hack the Touou’s manager file to get these brats’ data” she started. “I examined every little stuff that’s there to take so I could make the perfect program for them to follow. By the way, you need to take Teme out for a while… he seems…”

She glanced at Teppei. I nodded understanding what she meant.

By now, Teppei looks worn-out than usual. Maybe it’s because he’s just got out of rehab and is still readjusting in playing sports. I blew my whistle. “Teppei, take a rest for a while” I told him as he nodded and took-of course Araki-san’s side and sat on the sand.

“Ne, Amei-chan it’s really hot in the beach” he commented as Araki-san popped a vein.

Oh no, it’s starting again…

Teppei annoying Araki-san…

Ame’s POV

He’s starting again… -__- Teme… ugh, why can’t he just leave me alone? “Oi Amei-chan, you’re ignoring me again”

I don’t really care…

“Amei-chan, please look away from your PSP”

You’re not the boss of me…

“Amei-chan!” Tch…

“Coach, I want the training program to get started”

Riko’s POV

I sweat dropped. Araki-san would do anything to avoid Teppei… “Sure, Araki-san” I agreed as I blew my whistle assembling the whole team in front of us.

“Oh, just call me Ame” she surprisingly allowed as I looked at her my eyes surprised for a bit. “What?” she noticed my face?

“N-Nothing…” I stammered looking away from her. Now that I notice it… Araki—I mean Ame-san seems to remember things now… she even acknowledges Teppei’s presence now… unlike before…

“Amei-chan you’re avoiding me again!”

“Urusai Teme! I always do!”

(A/N: a list of flashbacks happenings of Ame and Teppei~)

We were currently eating lunch together since Teppei invited me and Hyuuga-kun to join him and Araki-san at the rooftop.

“Amei-chan, you’re milk tea tastes weird!” Teppei complained after drinking from Araki-san’s bottle.

“W-What?! W-Who are you and why did you drink my home made fruit mixed juice?!” Araki-san punched him at the head.

“Amei-chan, we’ve been eating lunch together for a few weeks now!”


“My heart’s torn apart!”


“Amei-chan wait up! Let’s go to the gym together!”

“Huh, who are you?”

“That’s hurts you know! We’ve been hanging out for a few weeks now!”

“We do?”

“That hurts!!”


“Amei-chan, Ui-sensei was really scary when he scolded you because you were playing with your PSP again”

“How did you know about that….?”

“We’re in the same class together!”

“It’s news to me…”

“Right at the kokoro!!TT^TT <///3”


I sighed remembering those every day fights of theirs that’s been limitless until now. Mostly, Ame would get irritated at him and he would just reason out and smile at her while patting her head, annoying her more. But even though she’s irritated and annoyed, I can tell she doesn’t want to hurt Teppei’s feelings. I think she just wants to be left alone.

“You Teme! This is your entire fault! If you didn’t drag me into this club then I would’ve been watching or finishing tons of animes at my house right now!!!” Ame yelled at Teppei again… “This was your idea!!”


“Alright, that’s enough you two. Teppei, go join the team” I stopped them before worse comes to worse. Ame and Kyo stood beside me as I turned my attention on my team and announced: “Hai, now that we’ve started the summer training camp, I and Ame didn’t go here without something up in our sleeve” I started.

“Coach perfectly training programs for each individual of this training camp after reviewing every single bit of the data she studied from these files Kyo managed to hack from Momoi Satsuki’s file data on Seirin High”

Hey, hey! Why is Ame-san given all us the credit?! She was the one who did all of it! And plus—“Ame-san! All of this was you’re doing! And it was your idea!” I exclaimed my jaw dropping of her humbleness. Seriously, no one could do more than what she did! She’s exceptionally a prodigy! She might be better than Momoi!!!

“Huh? Didn’t Kyo tell you that I’ve forgotten the entire research task you asked me to do? I was busy watching anime…” she scratched her head sheepishly. “Putting that aside, Coach wants you to get the hell of this program started and there begins your suffering!”

Her jolly side is creeping us all out... well, except for Teppei and Kyo. The younger Araki just sighed, used to it, and Teppei smiling at her attitude.

“What are you b*stards waiting for?” that too happy smile is really creepy…

“Get to your suffering now!!!” w-where’d the whip come from?! And why does Ame look like a demon now?!?!

“Akuman Araki!!!” the boys screamed in fear and ran away from her. I asked them to run 10 laps around the beach while Kyo asked the beach thugs to move the hoops brought by Oto-san ot the shallow part of the ocean where these idiots would be training, according to Ame.

“It’s hard to move in water, so this is a great idea to improve leg strength higher than just running on sand…” Ame spoke up, staring at the water surrounding her legs as we stood in the ocean, the water levelling up to our middle legs.

“Is that so?” I faced her.

“Of course” she stated, matter-of-factly. “Don’t you trust me? I’m good at this”

“Whatever you say… it’s your idea anyway…” I trailed off. 


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Turn My Cold Heart To Iron (Kuroko No Basuke-Teppei Kiyoshi Fan Fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon