Unexplained feeling

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Ame’s POV

I instantly pulled back after realizing we were kissing for a while now. What just happened? Why did I suddenly kiss him? What on earth was I thinking? Was I just emotionally unstable on why I did that? No… I did that because… I… --“Amei-chan, what’s wrong?” my thoughts were interrupted when Teppei saw the flustered look on my face. I touched my lips. He was my first….

My eyes came in contact with his and I didn’t know what to say. I mean… in otome games, normally after kissing scenes they never show what happens after. They’ll just skip until the next day were the couple are all lovey dovey and holding hands and crap like that. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, let’s not think about me being deredere with this… deredere.

“S-Sorry about that!” I gushed, hiding the embarrassment on my face as I turned away. I can feel my cheeks heat up, but why? I… I never felt like this since I parted ways with Kotan… I mean, Kotaro. “I-I, I need to find Kyo, so excuse me…” my stuttering wasn’t helping me hide the fact that bothered about what happened. I freaking kiss the guy for Pete’s sake and I don’t even know what the relationship between us is. Are we dating? No. Does he like me? Yes. (Love, actually) Do I return the same feelings? I don’t know. That’s why I’m not hurrying things up, I’m afraid to love again.

I left Teppei there who still had his eyes glued on my back. Now I feel bad for leaving him like that, I mean… he comforted me and all and I just abandon him in a sudden… maybe I should go back? But… I don’t know how to act around him anymore. I’m confused. Ghh! That doesn’t matter right now! My main focus is to find Kyo! Damn it, where is she?! And dinners about to be served, Coach and the others will eventually look for us… should I just talk to Kyo after dinner?

But I bet she wouldn’t eat after all that happened….

I have to find her before that! I wouldn’t want to eat dinner feeling guilty. I lose my appetite.

Damn it, where could she be? She must be in a place where I couldn’t find her. Which is… anywhere. I get lost easily. So then—“Ame-senpai”

“Kya!” I jumped with a squeal after hearing a faint whisper behind me; sending chills down my spine. I turned around to see it was Tetsuya. Damn it, this is the first time he startled me. “Tetsuya…” I say before grabbing hold of his head, crushing it slowly while giving him my scariest death glare. “Do that again and it’ll be your last” he trembled when he saw me get angry and uttered an apology. I let go of him eventually and sighed. “What do you want? Scary me like that isn’t funny you know…”

“I followed you all the way here to talk to you” was his reply. I ceased my eyebrows together then he continued. “I wanted to approach you earlier at the court but it seems you and Kiyoshi-senpai, are talking about something there and afterwards…” my eyes widened upon hearing Tetsuya’s words as he told me what he saw. H-He saw what happened?! Then why—

“Why the heck did you just stood there and watch?!” I grabbed his head again, and had the full urge to squeeze it until it pops. You know, like in yandere animes and uh… yeah.

“G-Gomenasai… i-itai, senpai…” he struggled under my tight grip which I loosen up afterwards.

I huffed, looking away from him, a hint of blush forming on my cheeks as I asked: “Where’s Kyo?” I had a demanding tone towards him. I just want to know where my sister is, okay?

“She’s probably in her room” he answered. Oh stupid me, why didn’t I think of that? “I tried talking to her earlier but she didn’t budge to open her door…” Tetsuya looked sad, as his head went down, his icy blue eyes staring at the floor. I patted his head.

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