Professor Potter

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The following story is a sequel to "Harry's Future". IT IS IMPORTANT TO READ "HARRY'S FUTURE" FIRST, OTHERWISE THIS STORY WON'T MAKE MUCH SENSE. It is of course based on the original characters and backdrops created by J.K. Rowling. Enjoy. 

Professor Potter, Chapter 1 

"I am Harry James Potter and I stand before you as the greatest wizard on life. I proclaim myself your lord and king." 

Professor Harry Potter stood before his class of fifth year Applied Magic students on the first day of classes of the new term at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was his first class as a full time professor. He had waited until all his students had found seats and then walked in and with a wave of his wand closed all the window blinds and dimmed the lights. He strode to the raised dais upon which his desk sat and held his wand aloft and muttered 'lumos' to provide a bright spotlight for himself. 

After making his pronouncement he looked down at the faces of the young witches and wizards sitting in the dim light, many with mouths open and all with eyes wide. He scowled down at them and demanded, 

"Why do you sit there and stare like that? Isn't what I say true? Have I not defeated two powerful dark wizards? Have I not killed a dragon by the power of my magic alone? Have I not created new ways of teaching magic? Why should I not be the king of wizardom?" 

Some of the wide open eyes blinked in confusion and one brave soul raised a wavering hand and said, 

"Because that's not who you are, sir. You're Harry Potter, sir." 

"Of course, I'm Harry Potter. I've only just said that. Why would I say these things if they weren't true?" he insisted. 

A low voice from the back of the room said, 

"Because you fell off your broom and landed on your head?" 

The several gasps that followed this suggestion were low but were deafening in comparison to the silence that fell afterward. Harry brightened his wand with a thought and the whole room was flooded with white light. He thought he knew who had suggested the head injury and when he looked at him, the young wizard flushed and his eyes darted away but the words had their effect. Harry's stern visage softened and he laughed a bit. He extinguished the light and with a casual flick of his ironwood wand he opened the blinds and brought the lights up, filling the room with a more friendly illumination. 

"Considering my history, that's not such a farfetched idea, Mr. Kingsforth. But no, I haven't done that recently so we need to look elsewhere. Would anyone care to suggest what my reasoning was?" Harry asked in his usual tone of voice. 

"Um, you were having a go at us, sir?" the young witch who had originally spoken offered. 

"It is true that I'm in a good mood and very happy to be back here for the start of the new term, but that's only a small part of it. Anyone else?" he asked. 

A wizard sitting towards the front said, 

"You're trying to teach us something." 

"Correct," Harry said as he pulled over the stool that he usually sat on in front of the class when he was lecturing. "I realize that's a terrible thing for a teacher to do, particularly so early into the first day of class, but there we are. So what am I trying to teach you? 

"The likelihood of a dark witch or wizard openly proclaiming themselves in such a manner is pretty small. Even then it would most probably only come after a lot of preparation had been done in secrecy. Our old friend Tom Riddle, the late Lord Voldemort, spent decades learning what he needed to know, gathering in his followers and laying his plans before he became an open threat, and even then it was only acknowledged by a relative handful of people who tried to oppose him. Even his short lived takeover of the Ministry was accomplished through surrogates," Harry said looking at the faces in front of him. 

Professor PotterWhere stories live. Discover now