Chapter 18

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Well here you gooooo, sorry I kept you waiting so long... I had half of it written but it got deleted -.- 

Sami's POV: 

My eyes shot open, Austin's immediately following. We pulled back surprisingly slow for two people who just accidentally kissed, and stared wide-eyed at each other for a few seconds.

Then it hit me. I just kissed Austin. On the lips. 

"U-h-uh. S-s-sorry!" I turned around and sped out of that dreaded photo-booth as fast as I could without hitting my head. 

Austin's POV: 

"U-h-uh. S-s-sorry!" and suddenly, Sami was gone. 

I rushed out of the photo-booth and ran after her. When I finally caught up to her, I grabbed her wrist, turning her around. 

"Sami- I'm so sorry I didn't mean for that to happen, I swear! I just meant to kiss you on the cheek and I guess you had the same idea..? I'm sorry can we just pretend it didn't happen? I don't want it to be weird between us."


"Okay. I guess I can just forget about it."

Sami's POV: 

But I didn't want to forget about it. 

We walked back to the food court in complete silence. I don't think "forgetting about the kiss" will stop us from being weird around each other. It doesn't matter how much we try, I think it'll always be different now. 

Mel's POV: 

We were all sitting around the table in the food court waiting for Sami and Austin to come back so we could go home. Robert and Zach were playing some two-player game on their phones, Alex was on Twitter tweeting people, and Dylan and I were talking about random stuff. 

I looked up at the perfect time to see Austin and Sami walking towards us, but I could tell something was up. They were walking with about three feet between them, not talking, and they both had blank stares. 

I guess I must have made a face or something, because Alex turned around and when he saw them, said "What's up with them?" 

"I don't know, but I'll ask Sami about it later and let you know."

Austin came up to the table and said, "Alright, you ready to go home, guys?" and we all said yes, so we grabbed our things and started to walk towards the exit. 

Suddenly, I hear a gasp come from Sami and she whispers something I can't understand. 

"What?" I ask.

She gets closer to me and whispers "We didn't get the photo-booth pictures. They're still in the machine. Will you go with me to get them?"

"Uh, yeah sure. Maybe you can tell me what happened between you and Austin on the way."

"Uhm...actually, I think I'll just show you."

"Okay. GUYS! We're going to go the bathroom..? Yeah. We're going to the bathroom. We'll meet you at the cars. Kay bye!"

When we got to the photo-booth Sami looked so relieved to see that the photo-strips were still there and untouched. 

She grabs them from the machine and looks at them before handing one to me so I can see. I start at the top and see them both smiling like crazy. I move my eyes to the next picture to find them making weird faces that make them look like crazy people. When my eyes drifted to the next picture, I almost aww'd out loud. They each used one hand to make the Mahomie Heart and they were both looking at each other smiling. I was starting to wonder what exactly had happened between them because I mean, everything looks perfectly fine to me, but I finally looked at the last picture. They. Were. Kissing.


"It's a long story...I'll tell you later, I just want to be home already."


"Austin, man, what's up with you and Sami? You were fine when you left for the photo-booth...?" Alex, my best friend is always so worried about me, and I appreciate that, but right now, I'm just not in the mood. I hate that I kissed Sami. And no, not because I didn't want to kiss her, but because it was completely unexpected. I think the kiss creeped her out, because as soon as she seemed to realize what had happened, she bolted. 

"We kissed on accident and she ran. But I don't really want to talk about it right now."

"Okay." He seemed calm, but I could tell that he and the other guys were shocked when I said that.

When Sami and Mel got out to the cars, I remembered how we got here. Sami rode with only Alex and me. Well, this is going to be awkward. 

Sami's POV: 

We were almost at the cars where the boys were when Mel said something about the car arrangements. "Are you going to be okay riding with just Austin and Alex or do you want me to ride with you?"

I thought about it for a second before saying, "No, I'll be fine. It's just a few minutes in the car. Thank you for worrying though."

"Okay. Text me if it gets too awkward."

I got in the back seat of the car, buckled up, and Alex headed back to my house. 


It's really short, but I'm literally about to work on the next chapter as soon as this is up, so it should be up sometime soon. :) 

BUT GUYS. I saw Austin at the Austin Rodeo last night and he was perfect like usual. <3 
AND I met Aunt Lisa and Cameron and Granddad and I was just so happy! I still feel hyped up! I even made friends that helped me get closer to the stage and they are so awesome! 

I'll be posting pictures and videos on my Instagram soon, so you should follow me ;) @impeccablemahone

Please Vote and Comment! It really means a lot <3 
-Desiree <3

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