Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey Dezios!! (there's STILL a total of ZERO of you!) :( But Here's the first chapter of The Prank Call That Changed Everything! Wait. let's shorten that. 'TPCTCE' :D hehe I hope you enjoy the first chapter! -Desiree


Sami's POV-

"SAY SOMETHIN! If you're feelin' the vibe!"

"UGH!" I love how on weekends, Austin Mahone starts blasting through my alarm and I immediately get up dancing along, but on a Monday, I just wanna lay in bed listening to his amazing voice all day and NOT go to school. Ew. School. At least this is the last week and I can get out of that freak show they call middle school.

I finally get out of bed, dragging my feet along, leaving the alarm on to keep singing loudly.

"OH EM GEE! I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR!! UGH!" Okay. Maybe I was exaggerating a little...and maybe I shouldn't have yelled that so loud...Dylan wil- "Shuddup Sami!" See?! He'll kill me!

"But I have NOTHING to wear!" He just doesn't get it. He's a guy. He doesn't care what he wears! Heck, he just throws on a tee and some skinnies then takes the rest of the morning hogging the bathroom to fix his 'oh-so-perfect' hair.

He comes storming into my room with an annoyed expression on his face. Uh oh...

"Lemme help then. Hmmmm....HERE! Wear this skirt! WAIT! NO! You can't wear that short thing to school with all those hormonal 14 year olds! What was I thinking?! OH LOOK! You can wear tights! Yeah! Wear this skirt with tights!"

Ugh! Why must I wear tights?! It's not a business meeting or something! I would NEVER be caught at one of those! They're just terr- "Because I'm your older brother and I'd rather not spend the rest of my life in jail for beating the crap out of a 14-year old kid who's hitting on my sister! And you should really fix that rambling problem!" Wait....I said that out loud...? Oh.....okay then....

"I do NOT have a rambling problem! Maybe I talk a lot.....every day....but that's just cause I can't get a single freaking word in at school, with all those freaks that call themselves teachers and- HEY! WHY'D YOU LEAVE?!"

"Whatever." I just accept the fact that he's my brother...and probably right about my rambling. I finish getting ready for the violent death they call school and head downstairs.

In the kitchen, Mom's making pancakes and bacon while Dylan's over there in the corner flirting with my best friend, Mel. OMG THEY'RE SO CUTEEE!!! What? You surprised? Well yeah...I 'ship' them! They're absolutely perfect for each other! It's obvious they love each other, I mean, Mel's over here all the time, and rarely stays in my room all night. I go to sleep, and the next morning, she's on the couch cuddled up with Dylan.

"Ready Sami?" How long is it going to take him to realize I must have SOMETHING to eat before I go to school?

"No Dylan...I have to always!"

"Oh...right....well, we'll go to the car! Just grab some pancakes to go and meet us there!" Of course he'll take Mel with him...again.

"I guess I'll be taking pancakes to go then....bye Mom, love you!"

"Love you too honey! Have a good day at school!"


The ride to school was quite awkward....well, for me. Mel and Dylan were sitting in the front, flirting of course.

"So, Sami..." Great. He's got that huge smirk on his face again. "Have any crazy dreams last night? You the other night?" He winked into the rear-view mirror so I could see.

UGH! It wasn't my fault I had a dream about Austin Mahone! Or that I talk in my sleep!

OOOOOOH! I GOT IT! The perfect comeback for that one! This is gonna be beast!

"Actually! I DID have a dream last night! But, you wasn't about me and Austin this was about my AH-MAY-ZING brother and his little crush he's been trying to hide!" *COUGH Mel COUGH* I shot him a wink showing him who's boss.

I don't think Mel really heard her name in between my 'oh-so-real' coughs... I looked at her in the mirror and her face turned pale and tears formed at the brim of her eyes. Oh no. Maybe that was a bad idea.... :/

Dylan's POV-

I almost slammed on the breaks when Sami said that. SHE KNEW?! Great. Now she'll be mad and hate me for it.

Mel was quiet the rest of the ride to the girls' school. So that proves she doesn't feel the same way. Great now she knows and everything between us will be awkward.

I dropped the girls off at their school and headed to the High School brainstorming ways to fix this.

Mel's POV-

WHAT?! Dylan likes someone?! Ugh. That's terrible!

Yeah. I like Dylan. Like, A LOT. I can't believe he likes someone! Why can't he just realize I love him already?! Wait. LOVE?!?!?! Okay. Maybe I am in love with him.

I spent the rest of the car ride daydreaming about those pretty blue eyes.

***************AT SCHOOL*************** (Still Mel's POV)

As I gathered my books from my locker, I saw the picture of me, Sami, and Dylan I have hanging on the door. Seeing Dylan in that picture hurt. I can't believe he likes someone and didn't even tell me! Me, him, and Sami always tell each other everything and it kind of hurts knowing he told her but not me.

I didn't realize I was crying until Sami pulled me into a tight hug. "Don't cry Mel! Everything's gonna be okay!"

"No it's not! Why did he tell you who he likes and not me?! Did I do something to him to make him not trust me anymore? I don't understand!"

Sami chuckled. Wait. Why did I say that like it was normal? Why is she laughing when I'm crying on her shoulder?!

"Mel. He didn't tell me who he likes. I guessed it. And obviously you're going deaf because I said her name in the car and you're not screaming of joy right now!"

Oh. At least he didn't tell her......but wait. Why would I be screaming of joy if I knew who it was? Hmmmmmm.....


Sami's POV-


I watched as Mel's face turned to complete shock to extreme joy to just plain confusion. Great. She didn't believe me.

"I don't believe you." See? I told You.

"I'm not kidding Mel. I'm being completely honest right now. But if you don't want to believe me, well. That's your choice. But c'mon. We gotta get to class."

A/N: Hi again! :P Tell me what you thought!

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