Chapter 13 <3

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A/N: HIIIIIIII GUYYYYYYYS!!! <3 HOW ARE YOUUUU?? hehe...I'm a liiiittle hyper...:D 

OMG SO I'M JUST GONNA COME OUT AND SAY IT............AUSTIN FREAKING FOLLOWED ME ON TWITTER (11/3/13) AT 12:21. OMG I literally still can't believe it. <3 I'm pretty sure he was like creeping or something because I literally hadn't tweeted him in a while(ish) and yeah. But friend was over but she was asleep and then my Mom had woken up in the middle of the night from a dream and after she went back to her room, I got the notification looked and at first I thought it was one of those stupid accounts that are just there to trick you and then I saw that I was following it and then I clicked and it was him and asdfghjkl I wanted to scream and jump up and down but I couldn't because my friend was asleep and we live above people.....*breath* and then I started shaking and the tears started coming guys omg I rushed to tell my Mom and then after I told her I sat on the floor trying to calm down and I was just a complete mess guys.
Now that I think about it, I had always wished he'd follow me while I was at school so I could like...freak out idk but now I'm happy he followed me at home because I think I'd probably get sent to the loony bin thinking about how crazy I acted.....O.o

But seriously guys...the feeling of being followed by Austin is just unbelievable and I can't even explain how happy I am. I seriously wish every Mahomie could experience that joy everyday. 

Okay. I'm done with my rant. Onto the next Chapter.

Sami's POV: 

It's officially Monday. Austin's coming today. I finally get to meet him in person, I can't believe it. 

I've been tearing my closet apart for the past hour trying to find the dress I bought from Papaya yesterday at the mall. My bed is completely covered in clothes, you can only see a few spots of carpet on the floor around me, and I STILL haven't found it. How the heck do you lose a dress less than 24 hours after you bought it?! 

"Sami, Mom told me to bring this up to y- UHHHHHHH.....what happened in here...?'

I looked up from the pile of clothes in front of me to see Dylan standing there in sweats, a t-shirt, and his hair a mess. In his left hand he's got a bowl of what I'm guessing is cereal, and in his right, he's got................wait. 


"Uh...yeah, it's definitely not mine..."

"Why. Do. You. Have. My. Dress. Dylan."

" I was saying.....Mom told me to bring it up. You asked her to iron it, remember..?"

Oh. I guess I forgot.... Oops?

"Oh yeahhhhh! Well thanks, I guess.."

"No problem. Wait but seriously, what happened in here? It looks like a tornado hit."

"'s kind of a funny story...I was looking for my dress."

"Uh...this one?"


"Oh. Well that was dumb of you. You should've just asked Mom..."

"Yeah yeah yeah....wait. You aren't wearing that when Austin gets here right?"

"I was kind of planning on it....why?"

"REALLY?! OH MY GOSH NO! You can't wear that. You have to at least change pants! Oh! And fix your hair, it's a complete mess!" 

"Dude calm down I was just kidding! Haha I love messing with you little sis!"

"UGH! Just leave so I can get ready..."



"Gosh okay okay I'll go!"

Finally, some peace and quiet.

Austin's POV: 

It's 5:50, and we have to leave at 6:15. But I still haven't decided what I'm wearing to meet Sami. The guys decided they'd drive up to Round Rock with me because they want to meet Sami too. And they're all sitting on the bed in "my room", laughing at my problems with choosing what to wear.

"Seriously guys, can you please stop laughing and help?! I only have 25 minutes to finish getting ready and I STILL haven't showered!" 

I didn't mean to yell at them, I swear. But, they've been sitting there watching me for the past hour, not even offering to help! I just need to get this over with so I'm not stressed anymore. 

Finally, Alex came to my rescue saying, "Okay man, sorry! Just go take a shower now and we'll have an outfit ready by the time you're out!"

I left the room heading to the bathroom after thanking Alex. I really just need to calm down, I'm never this stressed.

Alex's POV: 

"Whoa. You were right about him being nervous, Alex."

"I told you! He's been like this all day, he can't calm down! He even went off on some little boy at the skate park this morning...."

"Man, Dave was right...."

"Wait what are you talking about Robert? Dave was right about what?"

"I was talking to him last night about Austin and Sami, and right before we hung up, he said "He's in love with her, Robert....he really is. I can tell." and yeah..."

"Wow......I can actually kind of see that... I mean, he's never this nervous, not even before his biggest performance!" 

Zach had a point there. Austin has been really different today. He hasn't even tweeted! I mean, yeah he's followed a few Mahomies but he hasn't actually SAID anything, and he tries to tweet at least 3 times a day usually. I think he really is in love with her. I just wonder if he knows it yet...

~~~~~~~~~~7:30 p.m.~~~~~~~~~~ 

Austin's POV: 

The closer I get to Sami, the more nervous I get. We're about 15 minutes away from her house and I couldn't be more excited. The guys came along to meet Sami too, but Zach and Robert have been sleeping most of the ride, and if Alex wasn't driving, I'm sure he'd be sleeping too. They were apparently up all night on Twitter.

As we got closer to the city, I noticed a supermarket up ahead, suddenly remembering what I forgot to bring today.

"Alex, can you go to that store up there? I have to pick up a few things for Sami."

"Yeah of course."

He dropped me off at the front of the store to pick up what I needed, telling me he was just gonna go park somewhere.

I walked into the huge store searching for the gardening area, hoping to find some purple daisies to give to Sami. Once I searched the entire store, I finally found some and rushed back to where I spotted the vases, grabbed the right one, and headed to a cashier. After paying for the flowers, I texted Alex saying I was on my way out and headed to the car filled with my sleeping friends. Once I got back in the passenger seat of the car, Alex headed back to the highway to continue our journey to Sami's house.

We were in the right lane passing an entrance ramp when a car getting on the highway flew by, it's thundering noises waking up Robert and Zach. 

"What just happened??" said the groggy voice of Robert. 

"I don't know...that car just flew by going way over the speed lim-"

The force of the impact on the passenger side was too strong for Alex's small car to handle, sending us skidding across the highway before our car hit another, ours rolling multiple times before coming to a complete stop upside down in the middle of the road. I looked around at my friends, spotting broken glass and blood covering all three of them before finally looking down at myself. I gasped as I saw the amount of blood on me, suddenly feeling dizzy. I grabbed my phone and sent my Mom a quick text before I let the darkness overcome me. 

A/N: ahhh /.\ pleeease don't hurt meee /.\

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