Chapter 9

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A/N: Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy guyss <3  So sorry I didn't update yesterday! I was trying to get my Mom to let just my friend and I go to the Jake Miller concert when he comes to town...hehee<3 She's letting me gooooo :) We got VIP tickets too, so we get to meet him <3 I can't waittttt!!!!!
It's probably going to be a little short....but that's okay because I'm going to write Chapter 10 after I'm done with this one :)
Why?, you may ask......WELLLLLLLLL......because I just realized I'm on Chapter 9 now...and the day in the story hasn't even ended yet...sooooooo.......if I keep this up and let each day in the story to take up 10 chapters.......this book will be like.......5,000 chapters..........anddddd.....WOW that's A LOT...haha :P
Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Share :) 
-Desiree <3

Austin's POV- 

"YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!

Well......that was a lot better than I expected it to be...

I was currently telling my Mom my situation. And as you can tell, she's not taking it very well...

"Mom...please just let me explain before you go all crazy on me...?"

She took a deep breath to calm herself down a little, and said "Fine Austin. You have 5 minutes. Tell me everything."

So, I did. I told her everything. I told her how I received the prank call, and how I called Sami back later. And how we played 20 questions, and how I was talking to Alex while she was gone. And I even told her about what Sami heard and how she reacted. I told her how upset I was when Julie told me that Sami said she didn't want to talk to me. I told her everything I could remember. 

When I finally finished, I knew it had taken me much longer than 5 minutes to tell her everything because I heard Dave come in the front door. When he left, he said he'd be back at around 10:30. And by the time I gathered the courage to talk to my Mom, it was 9:45. I looked at the clock, and surely enough, it had taken me 30 minutes to explain myself. Wow, I sure can talk a lot about Sami....

I finally gathered enough bravery to look at my Mom's face, and I was shocked at what I saw. 

She had a slight smile on her face, telling me she was happy for me, but she also had tears in her eyes. This part I didn't quite understand...why was she crying? 

Dave walked in right as the first tear fell from my Mom's eye and was immediately by her side. 

"What's wrong Michele?"

"I-I.......Austin....wake me up in the morning and I'll call Julie to make some, go ahead and go to bed..."

"Uh....Um....okay...? Goodnight Mom....night Dave..."

"Goodnight honey"

"Night Man."

I walked to my room more confused than I've ever been. Why would Mom cry after I told her the story, and then just automatically say yes?? 

Dave's POV- 

I walked in the front door of the Mahone household from my date at 10:30 exactly. I heard Austin and Michele talking in the kitchen and decided to go change clothes. I'd wait to go in there until they were done talking. 


Neither of the Mahone's had talked in a few minutes, so I decided I could go in now. 

I walked in and immediately noticed the tear dripping down Michele's face. I walked to her asking what was wrong, and she told Austin to wake her up so she could call.....Julie...? in the morning to make some plans and to go to bed. I wonder what that was about?

As soon as Austin was gone, a pool of tears were streaming down Michele's face, and she pulled me into a tight hug. 

"H-he's in l-love Dave! He's in love........he's in love and doesn't even know it! I can't believe it, Dave.......I can't believe it..."

What is she talking about...? Austin's in love?? When did this happen? And with who??

"What are you saying Michele? What do you mean he's in love and doesn't know it? What happened?"

And so she explained. She told me everything she knew. And when she was done, I knew she was right. My 17 year old best friend was in love with someone he just met today. And he doesn't even know it.

A/N: Sooooooooooooooooo................................................................HOW'S THAT FOR AN ENDING?? haha :P
First time for Dave's POV :) You'll get Michele's POV in Chapter 10 :) 
Soooo....Michele and Dave think Austin's in love.......?! WHUUUUUUUUUT?? O.o 
Tee-hee ;)
Tell me what you thinkkkkk <3 
Vote, Comment, Shareeeeeeee :)
-Desiree <3

P.S.- I Just want to say thank you to all of you who are reading TPCTCE! We're almost at 3,000 reads!! :D Andddddddddd.....I've recieved 126 votes!! <3 I'm so happy to have all of you amazing people reading my story! <3 

Kay byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3

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