Chapter 2

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Mel's POV- 

The school day went  by wayyy to fast for my liking. I didn't want Dylan to pick us up from school. The car would be so awkward...

I spent most of my class time today thinking of what Sami said. "MEL! OH MY GOSH YOU'RE SO OBLIVIOUS! IT'S YOU! HE LIKES YOU!" 

She must've been lying. He doesn't like me. But I couldn't help but hope she was telling the truth. I mean, she's my best friend...she wouldn't lie to me, right? I hoped not. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts as Sami jumped on my back, screaming in my ear about how I've been spaced out all day and that I need to just talk to Dylan about it.

"UGH. FIIIIIIIIIINE SAMI! I'll talk to him about it!" Not. I just wanted her to stop screaming in my ear! 

"NO MEL! Don't lie to me! You can talk to him about it after our evil plans on Skype tonight! And if you don't willingly talk to him, I WILL lock you two in a room until you talk it out. And don't underestimate me." She started walking towards Dylan's car but before she got there, I jumped on her back. 

"SAMIIIII!!! Please please pleeease sit in the front?! PLEEEEASE?!" 

"NO! He'll know something's up!"

"C'mon Sami! Please?! Make up a reason to sit up there!" Cue the puppy dog eyes.

"Like what?" Ahhhh, there we go! It's not that hard to talk Sami into doing stuff for you. All you have to do is pull out the most innocent looking puppy dog eyes you have and BAM! She's on your side.

"Ummmm...I don't know! Say you need to charge your phone or something!"

"Fine. But you sooo owe me."

YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! I would do my happy dance right now, but we're like 5 feet away from the car and I can see Dylan looking at us in the mirror...

Dylan's POV-

Mel jumped on Sami's back as they were walking to the car and looked like she was talking Sami into something. Yepp. There's those beautiful puppy dog eyes. 

When Sami got in the front seat I looked at her confused. "I gotta charge my phone..." Oh. Okay.

I think Sami could tell I was upset that Mel wasn't sitting up front because she patted my knee and whispered "I'm trying to get her to talk to you" so quiet only I could hear.

Great. She's really freaked out I like her. I knew this would happen! 

The ride home  was silent and slightly awkward. Whenever I would look back at Mel, she would be looking in the mirror at me and we'd make eye contact. But every time, she pulled away after half a millisecond.This is gonna be a long night. 

Sami's POV-

I could tell Dylan was upset I was sitting up front and not Mel. And I'm pretty sure he knew my phone didn't need to charge either...he looked really upset. 

I kinda felt bad for giving in to Mel's pleads for me to make up an excuse to sit up front...but I was going to make sure they talked this out and got together by the end of the night.


When we got to back to my house, I ran to my room to change into something comfy, pulling Mel along with me. I was ready for the plans we had. We didn't have homework today (Thank God!) since it was the last week of school, so I knew we would have a lot of time to prank Mahomies.

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