Chapter 3

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A/N: Hi thereee!!! But first I would like to say thank you to all of you who are reading this! I'm so grateful to have you here!

Sami's POV-

I. Can't. Believe. I. Just. Hung. Up. On. My. Idol. I'M SO FREAKING STUPID!!

After Mel left to get me water, I calmed down a little. "OH MY GOSH I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!!! <3" ......I said a little....not a lot......don't blame me! It's the fangirl inside me screaming!

I spent a few minutes trying to catch my breath from hyperventilating. All I could think was 'This can't be happening' and 'OMG you're so stupid! Why'd you hang up?!'

I suddenly got the urge to get dressed up and take my hair down from its bun. I wanted to call him back. I was so stupid for hanging up on him. I just wanted to go back in time and not hang up. But the best I could do was call him back and hope he answers again. 

I went to my closet and looked for the nicest shirt I had and some skinny jeans to match it. After I put that on, I went to the mirror and took my hair down. My flat, volume-less hair fell to my shoulders as I tried to make it somewhat normal looking after being in a bun for an hour and a half. 

Suddenly, my laptop was ringing. It was Skype. Who's calling me? I wondered. 

I ran to my desk but stopped in my tracks when I saw who it was. It was him. Austin. He's calling me back. 

When the initial shock left my body, I continued on to my laptop and hit answer. 

"Hi 'AustinMahone'" he winked at me and chuckled. Gahhh he's killing me already! 

"U-uhh h-h-hii..." My gosh! Get a hold of yourself, Sami! 

I heard a distant voice coming from my computer, "AUSTIN! DINNER'S READY!! COME EAT NOW!" 

Oh. My. Gosh. It was Mama Mahone! I can't believe it's her! This is amazing!

Austin's voice snapped me out off my thoughts. "OKAY! I'LL BE THERE IN A MINUTE!"

He continued a little quieter, talking to me, I was guessing. "Uh...can I call you back in 30 minutes? My Mom's kind of strict about eating dinner together....."

"Wha- OH! Yeah sure...." Why was he wanting to call me back AGAIN? He's so confusing...

"Okay, great! I'll see you in a little while, .................uh........?"

"Sami" I smiled at him. 

"Okay, Sami. I'll see you in a little bit."

"Bye Austin..." And he hung up just like that. 

I looked at the clock. 5:45. It's been 30 minutes since Mel left to get my water........ I wonder what happened? 

I headed downstairs to get a snack and water before Austin called me back. I had 30 minutes to eat and figure out what happened to Mel. 

When I walked into the kitchen, I saw a glass on the counter by the fridge. I'm guessing that was supposed to be my water glass. 

I filled the glass with ice water and picked up some Muddy Buddies from the pantry. I sat down for a minute but then decided I should find Mel before I eat all the Muddy Buddies...I mean, they are her favorite snack. 

I got up from the bar-stool and walked into the living room. Seeing no sign of Mel in there, I went back to the kitchen, looking out at the backyard.

What I saw on the patio made me confused and excited at the same time. It was Mel and Dylan.....talking, laughing, and then suddenly, Dylan leaned in and kissed Mel. And she was kissing him back.

The Prank Call That Changed Everything (Austin Mahone)Where stories live. Discover now