Chapter 5

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A/N: Hey there!!! Ewwwwwwwwwwww -_- I hate everything. 
I'm just gonna be honest and say "I've been so forever alone this summer....sitting inside all day, every day." Seriously. My Mom has to force me out of the house. You think I'm kidding. I'm not. 
ANYWAYS! Here's Chapter 5!!!!!!!!!! P.S.- Don't forget to vote and comment what you think! <3
P.P.S.- You should look up 'Midnight Red, Take Me Home' when you have free time >>> -Desiree <3

Sami's POV-

"Off you go, girls! Austin's waiting to talk to youuu!"

I ran out of the bathroom, down the hall, and into my room as fast as I could. But I made sure not to be in view of the Skype camera just yet. I needed to catch my breath! Man...I really need to start working out...

I was bent over hands on my knees trying to catch my breath when I got attacked and pushed into the view of the camera by none other than, Mel. 

"MEL! I was TRYING to catch my breath!" 

"Well I'm SORRY you literally RAN to your room just because you were soooo excited to talk to your idol!"

"I didn't think I was THAT out of shape!"


Oh my Mahone. I can't believe I was sitting....well...standing here in front of Austin Mahone bickering with Mel about how out-of-shape I am. How embarrassing! 

"OH! Hi Austin!" 

"Hey!" Oh gosh, that smile. 

"So what's up?"

Austin's POV-   

"So what's up?"

"Well I just got done eating dinner and I would love to get to know you and your friend a little better." I smiled at Sami and her friend next to her.

"Actually," The other girl started, "Dylan invited me to go watch a movie with him downstairs....soooo...I'll give you guys some alone time." I saw her wink at Sami but I wasn't sure why....?

"Well, that's Mel for ya! Ditching her best friend for her boyfriend of like.....30-ish minutes!" Wow. Her smile was absolutely stunning.

I must've been staring because I noticed Sami blush and look down. Oops...?

"So Sami, tell me about yourself."

She looked up, confused. "What do you wanna know? .....And why do you want to talk to me of all people?"

What? Why wouldn't I want to talk to her? I guess Dylan wasn't lying when he said Sami was insecure....

"Because you seem like a very nice girl and I'm impressed by your little prank earlier. And how about we play 20 Questions? Then you can't run out of things to tell me about yourself."

"Oh...Okay sure! Go ahead!"

"Okay. Question 1: What's your full name?"

"Samantha Rose Parks. But nobody, and I mean nobody, ever calls me that." 

"Question 2: How old are you and when is your Birthday?" 

"Hey! You can't do that! That's two questions! Haha!" She stuck her tongue out at me and started to giggle. Aww! Her giggle's so cute and quiet!

"Eh. I figured I'd try. There's so much I want to know!"

"Nice try though Austin! I'm 14 and my Birthday is September 16th."

"Question.....4: What's your favorite thing to do in your free time?"

I was pretty sure I knew the answer to this one already...but it's good to be positive.

The Prank Call That Changed Everything (Austin Mahone)Where stories live. Discover now