Chapter 7

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Oh gosh, I feel TERRIBLE!!!! 
oh gosh. I'm reeeally sorry guys!! :(

IN BETTER NEWS!: AUSTIN FREAKING MAHONE IS GOING ON HIS FIRST TOUR!!!!!!! WHOOOO!!! ANDDD WITH MY FAVORITE BAND, MIDNIGHT RED!!! WOO HOO!!! state isn't on the list....:( I mean, wouldn't he come to the state he grew up in?? Ugh :/ upset about that..but SUPER PROUD AND HAPPY FOR AUSTIN <3

I've decided I should probably start writing during the day...because, well....things like Chapter 6 happen......o.O (Meaning: I get tired and then can't think of something else to happen, therefore, I write a very short chapter.) 
I've also decided that I'm going to try to update more often than I have been, because I'm worried about this distracting me from school when it starts up again. I'm starting High School this year, and to be honest, I'm scared. I've learned that I really need to pay attention so I actually get somewhere in my future. SO, I'll update as much as I can before August 26th...then if the story's not over, I'll still update, just not as much. :)

Tell me what you think! -Desiree <3

Sami's POV- 

 After I hung up on Austin, I decided I'd go to bed as soon as Mom gets home, which should be any minute now. I'd just tell her I have a headache or something.

"KIDS! I'M HOME!!" Well, there she is! I walked downstairs to say goodnight to Mom and Dylan.

"Where are you Mom??" Gosh, she can never stay in the same room longer than 5 seconds!

"Kitchen with Dylan!" 

I walked to the kitchen slowly, not ready to be questioned by Mom about Austin. Dylan probably told her the whole situation since I talk about wanting to meet Austin all the time. 


I didn't realize I was crying until Mom wiped my cheeks free of salty tears. 

Why am I crying, you may ask? 

Because I told her everything. From the first time I hung up on Austin, to the last time. I told her how I heard what Austin was talking about with Alex. And how I didn't understand why Dylan would say that. I even told her how Austin was just like I imagined him, but I don't think I could talk to him again. She asked me why. I said "He's not serious. He could never like me, much less fall in love with me. And I don't want to fall for him and be heartbroken."
Well...I stuttered a few times...but oh well. You get the point.

The response I got to that? "Oh honey! Of course he could fall for you! You're beautiful, talented and have a GREAT personality! Who wouldn't fall for that??" and the first wipe of my salty cheeks.

"MOM! I'm 14 years old and not one guy has EVER liked me!! Plus, he's three years older than me! That's like, ILLEGAL!! And he wouldn't want to date me even if he did like me. I would just ruin his reputation. I'm going to bed, goodnight."

"HONEY! Please don't say that! Any boy would be lucky to date you! Many of your brother's friends have li- UH! pshhh nope. No they haven't! Uh. Goodnight honey! Love you!"

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......................that was weird.......?

Julie's POV- 

Ooooops. I almost told her! Dylan doesn't want her knowing his friends have liked her. Well, he doesn't want her to realize she could get any guy with her personality and good looks. She would get hurt a lot more than she needs to. 

But, I can't let her stop talking to Austin! He thinks he'll probably start to like her! That would be great for her! She can't just give up when she thinks someone doesn't like her!

I have a plan. 

And it's going to work. 

Because my little girl can't be heartbroken over something that's not true. 

"Sami! Can I use your laptop?! Mine is dead and I need to do something ASAP!"

A/N: Sooo sorry it's wayyyyy later than I said it'd be!! :/ Really upset with myself right now :(

Also, this chapter's reeally short...:/ BUT THAT'S OKAY!! BECAUSE I'M GOING TO WRITE AND POST CHAPTER 8 RIGHT. NOW. :D <3 I just wanted it to end at Julie's POV with her plan ;)

Tell me what you thinkkkkk :D

-Desiree <3

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