Chapter 12 (The Rest) :)

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A/N: WHADDUP GUYZ?! <3 How ya doin?

Kay well....I don't wanna take up all your free time...sooooo.....I'm just gonna go right to the storyyyyy :)

Hope you enjoyy <3

-Desiree <3

Mel's POV:

"Thanks Mel, I'm surprised you haven't been screaming this whole time! Haha, talk to you tomorrow girlie."

After I hung up with Sami, I let out a huge sigh of relief. I can finally talk to her about Austin coming to visit her. I've known for almost 2 weeks now, and keeping the secret from her was killing me. I thought Julie was doing really well keeping the secret from Sami, but I guess she just let it slip. 

I can't wait for Austin to get here so Sami can finally meet her idol in person. She's been dreaming of this day since she first discovered Austin. I still remember her texting me the link to his 'Mistletoe' cover telling me that I "just HAVE to watch it." Ever since that day, she's seemed happier and more outgoing than before, and I can tell Austin is the reason for that. 

Austin's POV: 

As soon as I got to the Constancio's, I headed up to the guest room I'll be staying in to "take a nap". I knew nobody in the house would disturb me from my little "nap", but I wasn't even tired. I just wanted to see Sami. So I Skyped her hoping she was online. 

We had been talking for about half an hour when Alex came bursting through the door chanting "Let me talk to her, let me talk to her!" 

"ALEX?! What are you doing??"

"You really think I'm dumb enough to believe your stupid excuse of being "tired"? Haha I know you too well for that Austin. I know you've been in here Skyping with Sami....By the way, HI SAMI!" 

I looked at the laptop screen to see Sami's reaction to Alex being with me. She was frozen, probably wondering why we were together. I mean, there was nothing on Twitter about Alex going to Miami, and I definitely couldn't tell her I was in Texas. She'd already asked me about the different scenery behind me, and I felt bad having to tell her I was in the studio. I hate keeping this secret from her, maybe I should just tell her..?

Sami's POV: 

As soon as I heard Alex talk, I knew Austin was officially in Texas. About an hour and a half away from me. I still can't believe he's coming here to meet me. I mean, it's only been like 5 hours since I found out, but still. I thought I'd be used to the idea by now. I guess not...

When Austin looked at me through his laptop screen, I could tell he was worried about what I'd say. Alex was supposed to be in Texas, and  he was supposed to be "at the studio" in Miami. They were supposed to be miles apart, not in the same room. So instead of being a terrible friend to Austin and letting him make up another lie, I texted my Mom asking her to call me downstairs. And, being the amazing Mom she is, she did what I asked immediately without asking any questions. (But I knew I'd get them later.) 

As soon as I heard my name being yelled throughout the house, I told Austin I had to go, that I'd text him later, and he hesitantly said bye and ended the call. 

A/N: Kay. I know it's kinda short but that's all I had for the rest of Chapter 12! So for the next Chapter, I'm gonna skip some dayyys...OH and I'm gonna start writing it today after I work on some homeworkk :) 

BTW I'm so so so so sooooo sorry it's been so long!! School's been really crazy and I haven't been home the past few weekends. Love you all, and thank you for being patient!! 

OH and this chapter is dedicated to @Redmusic because she's actually the reason I'm on today finishing Chapter 12! She messaged me asking me to read her story about Austin and for an honest opinion on it, so I got on and read it and decided I would update for you guys! :D So you should all go and give her thanks by reading her story Live.Laugh.Love.! <3 Thanks guys! <3 

byeeeeeeeee <3 


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