Chapter 30-Making the most of what we have left

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Time was going by faster than we expected. The last three days, the boys and I have been working with Simon to clear things up about our new career. We also had tons of time to relax. Michael had to chill with us too since he didn’t have anyone else.

I didn’t really want to bring back the topic of my father, as I knew he probably wouldn’t be able to deal with it. But, as much as I couldn’t, I had to, because we had one day left before we had to go back.

“Do you ever miss dad?” I said softly, trying not to look at him in his eyes, because I knew I’d end up crying. “Yes, but I didn’t know him much. I’d love to get to know him.” He told me and I looked at him this time. “Do you think you’re ready to meet him?” He nodded and I started telling him about what happened. I was scared at first, but I trust him and I hoped it’d go fine.

“Dad’s home again.” I told him and he immediately looked at me. “What are you talking about?”

I told him the whole story, and then he just gave me a big hug telling me he was really happy, but at the same time a bit nervous to meet him again. I told him it’ll be okay. The boys joined us and we went to have dinner. Simon had a cake ready for us with the 1D logo on it since it was our last night together, until we see each other again in six months.

“Sick cake!” I said, Niall had the biggest slice, followed by my little brother, even though we told him it wouldn’t be good, because he had to go to bed. He either hanged out with us too much or he found out, because next thing we knew he shouted, “No! Jimmy protested. Just for tonight, please Harry!”

We let him and even if we thought it’d be a bit boring for him to chill with us, since there was a big age difference, it seemed like it wasn’t at all.

The rest of the night we partied and just had a great time together, with Simon too.

We went to bed at around three in the morning. We already said bye to each other. It was quite hard, but we were pumped to see each other again in a few months’ time. We each had different times that our train would be leaving in the morning, and we knew we wouldn’t have time probably to say good bye. I was set to leave at ten in the morning.

I packed as my brother slept like a little baby. It was a bit hard because I had to hold a flashlight in one hand, since if I turned on the lights, he would wake up. When I was done it was about four thirty in the morning and I was exhausted so I just went to bed.

The next day at nine in the morning…

“Wake up Hazza; we’re going to miss our train!”

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Michael. I almost jumped, because he scared me with his funny faces. I threw a pillow at him then got out of the bed to get ready.

We both went down for breakfast and it was only 9:30 am. “It’s so quiet. Almost everyone is gone. Only Niall and Simon left.” I said.

We quickly rushed to eat, got our luggage and made sure we forgot nothing.

Niall was still sleeping so I couldn’t say good bye, but I said good bye to Simon, who brought us to catch our train. “See you soon. By the way, Louis left a letter for you.” He said smiling and we got on the train.

I sat next to Michael, who put his head on my shoulders and tried to sleep. I opened the letter and started reading it: 

Dear Hazza,

It’s me Lou. I’m so sorry I couldn’t tell you a very proper good bye. It’s very hard for me, because I don’t want to lose you. I know I won’t, but the next few months until I see you again will be very hard. I hope you’re not mad at me. I thought it would be easier if I wrote you something, to tell you everything that I wish I could have told you earlier.

When I volunteered to be a tribute, I never thought I would get to go back. I thought I’d be dead. Then, I met you in the bathroom, we became friends. After a while, it felt as if we were brothers, all of us, but to be honest, you’ll be more than a brother to me. You’re like my best friend and it feels like you’ve always been here.

I had a great time with you and the rest of the boys. I hope to see you again in the next few months, actually I’ve already started to count down, and it’s not too early right?

Well, first I just want to tell you thank you so much for choosing to be my friend, I never thought we’d end up being this close, but I’m glad we did. Back at the games, I had so many unforgettable times. Thank you for getting me medicine, I probably wouldn’t be here right now. Thank you for always being by my side and for being there in the hardest times too. You’ve helped me so much. Truth is, before coming here, I hated myself. I love Eleanor, yeah, but one of the reasons why I wanted to volunteer also was because I just wanted to get away for a while. I think I took a good decision, because you and the boys changed me.

You’ve always got a friend in me, forever and always. I will never forget that night you and I went by the lake. I won’t ever forget all times we had together. Thank you. I love you. Thank you for making me a better person too. I think I never loved anyone as much as I love you.

There are so many things more that I’d like to say, but I think I would run out of paper, since I’ve already been sitting here for hours trying to figure out what to write and I used about ten different sheets, trying to get it perfect. I hope this was good enough. I don’t want to say good bye, so I think I’ll just end it with, till we meet again, mate.

Your best friend for ever,

Louis Tomlinson. 

I folded the letter and put it back into the envelope, avoiding tears from my eyes to fall on it. I slipped it into my bag and looked outside, putting my right arm around Michael.

I can’t believe this. I’m going back home. The times I had here will be forever unforgettable. I made so many great friends, achieved something and finally got a real job that I love doing. No more working in the bakery. It all happened to a normal 16 year old boy. Six months from today, I will be back here, and meet many more fantastic people. I just can’t wait. Sometimes trying something new and taking a new journey in the crazy life that we have, might lead to something better. I let my thoughts go through my mind as the train passed by the forest, which holds all my greatest memories. I wondered how many more there was to expect, in the days, months and years to come, since so much have already happened, in such little time.

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