Chapter 19-Feels good to be back

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  It was great to get back again. We stayed in the woods, for weeks and it felt horrible. Sleeping on trees, the ground, living on whatever we could find.  I was surprised to have survived. It made me feel so grateful, for all I had. After all, I wasn’t scared anymore and I learned to fight my fears. I was happy that I volunteered for Michael, my little brother. Even if I missed my home a lot, and everyone back there, coming to the games had changed me and made me realize how blessed I am.

There were so many people out there, who have no choice but to live in that way, and I, sometimes complained that I didn’t have enough. It made me feel bad, because I had more than enough and there was no need for complaints.   I must also admit that Zayn’s deep quotes were quite helpful. As he’d say, “There comes a day when you realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world because you realize there’s not much more to the book than the page you were stuck on.”

When I got back, I immediately took a shower, and then I met up with Matt and Caroline. It was really weird, but she just smiled. “You’ve lost your partner..I’m sorry about Kailah.” Said Caroline, hugging me. Matt and I just talked for a while, as Louis, Zayn, Niall and Liam also went back to their cabins.   We got ready, since Simon told us we had to do an interview in front of millions afterwards, to explain how all of this happen.

After putting all my dirty clothes in the wash, I realized my pin went there too. I quickly went to take it back before I lose it.  I pinned it to my new clean clothes, I was wearing after my long shower.  

“How were the games?” said Matt, as we settled down to eat some food. I told him everything and I was more comfortable, since Caroline wasn’t there.

“Caroline talked about you a lot…” he told me, before I left to take a nap. “What? But why? I mean what is it with her..She’s been scaring me ever since I got her.” He looked then saw her coming. He gave me a signal to leave and I quickly left and went to take a little nap, before the interview, which was scheduled for 7:00 pm, right before the massive celebration dinner.

We had one day left before we go back home, to our districts and our families. Every year has been the same at the games. The winner gets to go after one day.

I jumped in my bed after taking my shirt off and closing the door, shutting the lights. I stared at the ceiling, and just thinking about everything. I closed my eyes minutes later, and slept like a little baby.

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