Chapter 1-Reaping Day

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When I woke up, the other side of the bed is cold. I looked at the other side of my room to find that my little brother, Michael was not in his bed. I then knew that he was probably with our mother. This is the day of the reaping. I went to their room to wake them up and I saw Dusty, our cat, in front of the bed.

District 6, also known as the Seam, where we lived was full with people this morning. It was louder than usual. Once we heard the first bell, we knew there was 20 minutes left before they announced the two tributes that would be representing us. Meanwhile my mom was making sure Michael was good to go, I, on the other hand left the house to go around town to get some food and talk to have a little talk with my best friend, Yazz. She has brown curly hair, brown eyes and she’s very funny, even if she can be serious at times. I also went to the forest to get my bow and sheath of arrows that I hid in a log. I would try to get some animals to get some food. Before my father left my mother, he had taught me. I never get to see him anymore. He lives in District 9 now. I think my little brother Mikey was very hurt, that my dad left without a good bye. He didn’t really know him much, since he was only 7, but he never got over the fact that he didn’t spend enough time with him.

I got back home 5 minutes before it was time to leave for the reaping. “Hey buddy, what’s the matter?” I asked Mike. He wasn’t smiling; he was red, had tears in his eyes and he was trying to stand still. “He’s scared that he might get picked.” Said my mother. I got down on my knee and looked in his eyes. “Don’t worry, it’ll be okay. I promise, it’s not going to be you. I will not let anything happen to you. Here, I got something for you when I went out.” I saw his smile slowly coming back, “Woah, what is that?” I opened my hand, and in the palms of my hands, there, was a pin. “It’ll keep you safe. I promise.” I gave him a hug and there went the bell again. I held my little brother’s hand and we both walked together. “Thank you Harry” He said. The rest of the walk there was a long silence.

There was a bunch of other people there. The mayor was already on the podium. She was standing in front of the microphone. She started by telling the story of all the districts. She then started talking about the hungry games. “Remember, the rules of the hungry games are simple…all we need is one boy and one girl that will represent our district. Since there’s a total of 10 districts, the competitors must fight death. In the end, there is only going to be one tribute left.” Everyone was standing still, quiet and listening. She stopped for a minute, and then finally said, “Alright, no more wasting time. It’s time to find the tributes.

"Of course, ladies’ first!” She slowly walked to the glass ball and put her hand in it, while going through the different letters. She picked two in her hands, and then dropped one. Every girl in the crowd was holding their breath and looking scared as ever. “It’s Kailah Smith.” She was about 5’1 with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. She went to stand next to the mayor, who then went to the crystal ball again. “Alright and the boy who will be representing district 6 is Michael Styles. Please come join us.” All the boys moved aside and I heard a scream at the mention of my brother’s name. All eyes were on him and he was crying. I rushed to the front, since I was far back and I couldn’t see whether he was trying to run away or not. “Wait, don’t take him away!”

He was crying and screaming. The guards had him and two wasn’t enough. More was coming. Michael was going wild. “I volunteer as tribute!” I shouted, without really thinking. I couldn’t bear to see my brother going further away from me. Everyone gasped and now they all looked at me. The mayor said, “Well well, this is very brave indeed. Are you sure you want to do this?” I nodded. My brother looked in my eyes and he was terrified. I went up on the podium with Kailah and the mayor, watching as they take my brother to the back, where my mum was standing. “District 6, this is your tributes, the brave Harry Styles and Kailah Smith.” She said and everyone did the peace sign. Happy Hungry Games and May the odds be ever in your favor.

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