Chapter 23-Surprising Last Night

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Right before I was about to go to bed, I heard a knock on my door. It better not be Caroline, I thought. I went to open it and I saw Louis standing there in his pjs.

“Hi there Boobear!” I said. “Harry, I was wondering if I could have a sleepover with you tonight, because I wanted to talk to you.” He said. “Alright, come on in then.” He had two bottles in his hands. “I brought one for you.” I smiled, taking it. “I’m underage.” He winked and I knew he meant that I could sneak for this night only.

“Harry…we’re best mates right?” I  told him that he was right about that. “Who is it that you love?” he asked, after we talked for a bit. “Uh...just someone who came here at the hungry games.” I said, all shy. “Was it Kailah?” He said, “I saw you kiss her back at the games.” I looked down. He was sitting right next to me. “Well, it’s okay.” I looked at him.

“Listen..Don’t take this too seriously or anything...but I have a girlfriend. Her name is Eleanor. I need some of your advice though. If that’s okay of course.” I turned and looked at him. “Why me, I’m the youngest one so I’m terrible at giving any advice.” “I don’t know…there’s something about you. Something that I don’t have with the other boys, even if we’re tight.”

“Listen Louis, do you like another girl? Is that what you’re trying to say? That’s why you’re telling me about Eleanor?” He quickly looked up, “No! I love her. We’ve been together for a long time, I mean after Hannah Walker, but I don’t know.” I smiled a bit, “Oh you like Hannah again? That’s alright.” I said patting his back. “He took a sip from his drink, and then said “No Harry! That’s not what I’m trying to say. I don’t know how to tell you this or how awkward it’s going to be. But I love you.” He got up from my bed and went to the door.

“Louis, wait! Where are you going?” I said, going after him. “Back to my room, sorry Harry. We’re still friends right?” I went silent. “I’m sorry I just like to speak my mind. Please don’t think I’m stupid or anything.” He said as he took another sip. “Lou, I’m just a person of very few words. I’m sorry. Come; please let’s have a little talk. This is happening too fast.”

I took the drink that Louis brought for me and had some. “Okay, well Louis it’s not awkward at all. Trust me. I mean I know exactly how you feel. And I feel the same.” Now there was another silence.

“You do? Like you’re not joking?” I nodded and told him he was the person I was talking about when I said I love someone. “I may have liked girls before, but this is different.”

I was leaving my own room not realizing what I was doing. “Where are you going Harry? You realize today’s the last day that we will ever get to see each other again. I mean, tomorrow we’re going back. It’s really our last night together to really live. I say, let’s do something special!” 

“Come on, I wanna show you something.” He said. I grabbed my onesie from the closet and he took my extra one. We had different ones but after we walked out of my room, I locked it and left after making sure the path was clear. “Where are you taking me?” I asked, curiously. “Sssshh!”

He unzipped my onesie at the top, so my face wouldn’t be covered and I could finally see again.

“Woah, this place is beautiful.” I looked around, all I could see was the moon, there were a few lampposts and I was standing near a lake. It looked fantastic.

We were on the grass, looked at the stars. We were also sitting by the lake and just talking. It was quite late then we were starting to get tired. After two hours, we went back. 

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