Chapter 8-Training Week

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It had been almost 4 days now that I hadn’t talk to the boys or any of the girls, except Kailah. The big day was getting closer. I had been training a lot and didn’t have much time. Matt and Caroline had gotten what they wanted. I kind of missed the boys but when I got in my room, a surprise was waiting for me on my bed. It was a box of chocolates and it said, “To Harry, from Niall, Louis, Liam and Zayn.” I opened it and took a bite, since it looked so tasty. I ended up eating half the box. It was almost time for lunch and I was already full because of the chocolates. I got down and Adina, from Zayn’s District, said hi to me. Next thing I knew, every tribute passing by was saying hi to me. Sara did, Mikaela, Moran, Alyssa, Leila…It was weird, and I never even talked to half of them before. I finally saw the boys again and they were all together. “Hi guys, sorry I’ve been busy training and stuff. How are you? I missed seeing you around. Can’t believe the games are getting closer.” They all smiled and we had a group hug. “Sit down. We missed you too. You missed quite a lot actually.” Said Liam.

They updated me on everything I've missed. "Thanks a lot for the chocolate by the way! I loved it. So good." They all looked at me and thought there was something wrong, and then all at once they said, "What chocolates are you talking about?" It’s like as if everything just froze for a second there. “This morning I got a box of chocolate on my bed, it said it’s from you guys. So I thought I’d come to thank you.” They told me they had no idea what I was talking about. I was very confused and didn’t know what was going on. “Alright, forget it, I’ll figure it out later. Let’s talk about the games for now.”

“Have you guys decided who we’re killing first?” Said Louis. We all turned immediately and looked at him. “I’m joking guys. Of course none of us first, one of the girls definitely or a guy from another District.” Once again, we all went quiet and all eyes were on him. “Guess you lads aren’t used to jokes, but Tommo is in the building so you can expect a lot of jokes from me.”

“No seriously now, let’s get real. You know they don’t like it when we cooperate with other tributes from different Districts, so we got to make this quick.” Said Liam a bit worried. “I can’t do this. You’ve been such great friends to me. I love you guys. I have one brother, but he’s not here, but here, it feels like I got four brothers. You know what I mean? I don’t want us to die. I’m really scared to be honest.” Said Nialler, not being able to keep it to himself. We all awed and told him we’d find something. “Niall’s right, that’s how I feel too, except I never had a brother before, so this is all new to me. Sometimes you just have to realize that turning the page is the best feeling in the world.” Said Zayn with a smile on his face. “They said only one wins in the end, all of us has to die, or four of us is going to.  For now, all we can do is just close our eyes and enjoy the rollercoaster that is life.” Said Zayn. “Will you stop it with the deep quotes?” Said Niall, biting his nails. “Sorry man, it’s just natural.” We all laughed. “We’ve gotten so close that I think it’s going to be so hard for each of us to see someone dying in front of their eyes.” Said Liam and then we saw Simon and Alan walk by. “What are you doing?” said Alan. “Nothing….err much.” Said Niall. “Got any food Alan? I’m starving!” “Missing your girlfriend? I see.” Alan replied with a wink. Simon started bursting out laughing and eventually we all did. “Just kidding around, you’re free to get some food anytime.” 

Simon just kept staring at us five and it felt funny. “So you boys ready and all trained? Tomorrow is the last day of training, don’t waste it okay? And please don’t let anyone else see you guys together, it’ll be a very bad thing trust me! After tomorrow, it’ll be the parade anyway, so you don’t have much time left, I suggest you stop wasting hours and hours together talking about I don’t even know what. I’ve seen you lads a couple of times together. You’re going to have a hard time if you don’t train enough.” Louis got up and said, “Okay okay there, to get some comic relief from your long stressful relief, here’s a joke for you…” everyone went quiet and Louis had our attention. “Why did the mushroom go to the party?” No one said a thing, and then he just looked around, “because he was a fun-gi!” We all laughed but Simon kept a straight face. “I’ll see you later, thanks for the joke Louis, remember the advice I gave you, just trying to help you here.” 

We all left after Simon and Alan left and we went back to our rooms. To my surprise, when I was standing at the door, I found Caroline in my room. “Uh, hi there. May I know what you’re doing in my room? Don’t you have your own…?” She turned around so quickly and looked as if she was scared. “Sorry, uh just cleaning your room and also checking your room to know more about you, so I know what to get for you as a good outfit for the parade...Nothing new.” I faked a laugh, and without trying to be rude, I said, “Out please. I really need some sleep. Big day tomorrow. I mean it’s the last day of training. So yeah, good night, I’ll see you later.” She looked at me as if she totally took everything I told her for a joke. “You’re kicking me out? But, can’t I stay? We could talk or something? It was starting to tick me off. “It’s not okay to be a pedophile. Get out please. I want some sleep alright.” She walked towards my sofa and sat there. “Can we just talk for about five minutes at least; I just wanna know what you learned in training, since I wasn’t there.” This time, I just shouted, “GET OUT OF MY KITCHEN!” This time she was finally walking towards the door, “It’s not a kitchen by the way.” I laughed at how ridiculous I sounded, shouting random things at her. “Yes, I know..Sorry. I’m just really tired.”

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