Chapter 26-The Ones Left Behind

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After everyone left, only the boys, Simon, Paul and I were left. It was scary to live in such a massive place, with only 7 people around.

We turned the place into a huge guys-only party. It was weird to party only with Simon and Paul, but they said we could invite some people from our district over, since we were going to stay for one extra week.

“Why did we get left behind though, I don’t get it at all.” Niall kept telling us. Even though we had no idea, we didn’t really mind because we were having a great time. We all missed our families, but we were happy to be spending more time with the boys. Simon told us he wanted to talk to us finally and to reveal everything that was going on. We were all wondering what it was about and we totally forgot about what he told us, about putting us together.

“I wanted to put the five of you in one boyband. I believe you would achieve something big.” He told us. We all asked why us, then he explained that the last time all the districts ever got entertainment, like music, dance, etc was before the hungry games started.

“You boys are going to bring this back. It will be amazing; I know you can do it! I mean I got to see the songs you wrote, it’s great! You are so talented; I think everyone would love to have music back.”

“That’s great, but Simon, you are a busy man, from whatever district you come from. I don’t even know. Who’s going to take care of us?”

“Paul, Alan and I talked about it. Paul said he’d do it.” We got really happy to know that at least we weren’t going to be separated. “What are you going to call yourself?” he asked us then we all looked at each other.

“Maybe we should be named Niall and the potatoes?” Nialler suggested, and then we all looked at him and laughed. Zayn just said, “Lads riding the rollercoaster” but Liam suggested Status Single, not knowing that Louis wasn’t single.

Louis and I looked at each other, but then all the boys made it awkward, after they realized how we were looking at each other. “Oh um, maybe One Direction?” I said, looking at Lou, smiling.

“It has a great meaning behind it after all, I mean remember how at the games, whenever we’d separate to go look for food, etc… we would worry if anything happened to one of us. Or if one of us got hurt, we would be hurt too. I mean it’s like impossible for us to go in different directions, you know what I mean?”

“That’s a great idea!” said Louis immediately. None of the boys knew what happened between me and Louis; they just thought we were closer, because we were the first ones to become friends. “Thanks.” I whispered. We all finally decided on that name and so that it was.

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