Chapter 2-Getting there

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The mayor brought Kailah and I in a small room, where she told us to get ready, as we were going to leave in ten minutes. I heard a knock at the door and when I opened it, there was Michael, filled with tears in his eyes. “Don’t go, who am I going to tell everything to now? You are best friend. I love you. What am I going to do if you die Harry?” A tear dropped as I went down to talk to him. “Don’t worry. I promise, I’ll try my best to win for you.” He half-smiled and told me it was impossible for a 16 year old to win, but he had just a bit of hope in me. The mayor came in the room again and told the men standing near it to take Michael away. There was nothing I could do that would change that. I was scared. I was sad to let my mom and Mikey go, but I had to. I turned around and looked out the window. There a minute long silence, then all three of us; Kailah, the mayor and I, went to take the train.

The mayor left Kailah and I alone. We got a private cabin and she also gave us a tour. There was a common room, where there was a bunch of food. I was surprised. It was so weird to see all of this, as I was not used to it at all. Before she left, she told us, we will also meet our mentor, who was in the past a winner.

I just stood there looking outside, while Kailah was grabbing some food.

“So, do you think we can do this?” she asked

“We? But in the end only one will know what I mean?” I replied.

Before she could say anything, a man walked in with a big smile on his face. “Hiya, I’m Matt Cardle. I’m gonna be your mentor.” Kailah’s eyes were wide open, and I just stood there with a nervous smile. He talked to us for a while. Then, when Kailah left for her cabin, Matt came up to me.

“So, uh any advice on what I could do to win?” I asked.

He looked at me, and paused for a second. “Do you want to win or are you gonna be dead in a second?” he said laughing. I didn’t find it funny at all, but I let out a small fake laugh. “I don’t know, I’m only sixteen.” He smiled and told me no one that age ever won before. “Alright, well one thing for you to remember, if you happen to win; think of how much pussy you’re gonna get.” I started laughing, I could barely breathe. Then, after I just looked at him and said “Simple, but effective. Nice, thanks mate.” Right when he was about to leave the room, he turned and said, “For a sixteen year old, you are quite cheeky.”

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