Chapter 2

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I woke up to the loud beeping of my alarm clock as it read 6:00 AM. I groaned and turned to my side, only to see Louis starting to stir.

Oh, yeah, that's right. He broke into my house last night. That wasn't a dream.

"Turn it off!" Louis groaned into the pillow.

I giggled a bit and got up, turning off the alarm. Louis lifted his head up and opened his eyes and looked at me with the most adorable bed head ever. Wait, what? No. Not adorable.

I giggled and said, "Morning, Lou."

He looked at me like he was really confused, only to just fall straight back onto his pillow and fall asleep again. Yep, that's my Lou.

I went straight into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I stripped down and got in, letting the hot water pour down on my bare body.

After about twenty minutes in the shower, I stepped out, wrapping a baby blue towel around my wet body. I stepped out of the bathroom, only to see Louis sitting up in bed. He looked at me as if it were an everyday thing to see me in a towel, though he also looked exhausted and very confused, and said, "Do you have any orange juice?"

I rolled my eyes and said, "Lou. It's hardly even light outside. You're exhausted. Go back to sleep. You don't know what you're saying. You can have orange juice when you wake up again."

Lou just stared at me and then obeyed, laying back down and falling back to sleep. I smirked and then went and grabbed some clothes to wear to school today. I went and grabbed a pair of skinny jeans, a red and white striped over sized top, and black Toms.

After changing, I went and blow dried my hair and put a brush through it. Afterwards, I then proceeded to apply some mascara and some lip gloss. I wasn't big for makeup. I used to be, but Louis just sort of took it and kept it and made sure that I didn't buy any more. Now, I only wear mascara and lip gloss, realizing that I look better without the whole thing.

By 7:00, I was downstairs and ready for whatever the day had to throw at me. I went over to our long, wooden dining table to see Liam and my mom sitting down drinking coffee. I walked over to my mom and gave her a kiss on the cheek and then said good morning.

I then went over to Liam and ruffled his hair. "Morning, LiLi," I said.

"Morning, Jos," he said.

"What are you doing up so early?" I asked Liam as I went over and made me some bread with Nutella.

"Niall and Harry fell asleep on the floor of my room last night and they were both sleep talking. So, as expected, it woke me up and I couldn't quite get back into the rhythm of sleeping," said Liam.

I laughed a bit and said, "I'm sorry." The poor thing was already suffering from jetlag, now his bandmates were being buttholes, as per usual. "My room is availiable any time you need a Narry-free room," I smiled. 

Liam smiled and replied with a "Thanks" and continued to drink his coffee.

After I made my bread with Nutella, I joined my mom and Liam at the table as we continued to talk about exams and school and other stressful topics. Though I would have to face them sooner or later, I much rather face them later. As I finished up my breakfast, I grabbed my white and green polka dotted backpack from the back of my chair and lifted it onto my back.

"It's about time for me to go," I said.

"Alright, see you later, sweetie," my mom said as I went to give her another kiss on the cheek.

"Do you want me to drive you?" Liam asked.

I looked at him and said, "You can't drive, Liam."

He then said with a smile, "Don't worry, no one has to find out."

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