Chapter 23

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Joslynn's POV

I was really surprised by Eleanor's outburst. I never saw her as the type to be so...jealous.

But, why was she jealous? She has Josh.

"Do you girls...know what the HELL that was all about?!" I asked Danielle and Perrie, still a little stunned.

Dani and Perrie looked about as stunned as I was. They both shook their head. "I would like to know what that was about, too," Danielle said.

"Well, I'm not hesitating to go find out," I said, stalking out of the room.

The other girls followed, but I didn't really care. I marched down the stairs and into the living room to see Eleanor standing there on her phone. "Eleanor, what the HELL?" I screamed.

She looked at me angrily and said, "Oh, like you didn't see that one coming! He could do SO MUCH better. There's so much DRAMA with you, from not being able to make up your mind to being put in the hospital. It's RIDICULOUS and Louis needs to realize you are the opposite of what he needs! I would have been the better girlfriend choice! Louis and I could have LASTED if it weren't for the distance. If I was able to go on tour with him, we would still be together TO THIS DAY and you and your sappy little love story would be nonexistent!"

"Are you freaking serious? Are you CLUELESS? Louis and I are in LOVE. You never had that feeling with him! Louis never felt any sort of love when he was with you! You can't go saying you two would have lasted when you could barely make it a month. If he TRULY liked you, he would have kept up the relationship despite the long distance. Can you just LET IT GO? It's been TWO MONTHS since you guys have broken up from your almost nonexistent relationship!"

"Alright, girls, let's just stop..." Perrie tried to say, but Eleanor didn't listen.

"Nonexistent relationship? Please. Louis and I were happy together. We were doing PERFECTLY FINE and then YOU came along and ruined everything!"

"How did I ruin everything?!" I screamed, surprised at what she was saying.

"YOU WANTED THE MOST ATTENTION. YOU WANTED LOUIS TO TALK TO YOU AND NOT ME. Do you know how much that fucking hurt? A lot! You STOLE him from me. You made him fall in love with you, and that's something I'll NEVER forgive you for. You need to STOP getting in the way of people's relationships, you little whore! I'm BETTER. I'm smarter than you, funnier than you, and most of all PRETTIER than you. Go suck on that, bitch," she screamed.

Her words hurt.

Prettier than me.

Better than me.



I just stood there, trying to fight the tears. I then calmly said, "I'm sorry you feel that way, Eleanor. Go ahead. Dump Josh and go get Louis. Whatever makes the queen happy."

With that, I turned around and quickly walked up the stairs, letting the tears pour out.

How is it someone I have known for nearly a year and had grown so close to can turn on you like that? I knew Eleanor far before she and Louis started dating. She was always so nice, so caring, and always there to listen.

What happened?

I ran into the hall bathroom because it was the closest and I locked myself in there. Then, I sank to the floor, leaning against the door and just cried.

And, I cried a whole freaking lot.

I just let every single one of Eleanor's words burn in my mind, and I just sat there, believing all of it and just sobbing.

Perrie and Danielle came and tried to get me out of there, but I didn't move. I didn't want to talk to them.

After about twenty minutes of sobbing, I heard a slight knock on the door. "Go away, Perrie and Danielle. I've said I don't want to talk."

"Babe, it's just me. Let me in," I heard the Irish accent say.

I sighed, standing up to let the blonde Irishman in.

"Why am I letting you in here?" I asked myself out loud.

"Because," he started, closing the door and locking it. "You know you can trust me. You trusted me last time, and I'm here for you. I'm here to listen to everything you have to say," he said, looking me dead in the eyes.

I smiled a bit and said, "I'm surprised it wasn't Liam."

"Liam wanted to, but I told him I've got it. I was gonna give him a break. Plus, I wanted to help," he smiled.

I smiled through my tears and went over and hugged him. "I love you," I said in a sisterly way.

He then sat me down on the toilet and knelt down and started to wipe my tears with his thumb. "So, do you want to tell me what happened? I just heard from Dani and Perrie that you and El had a fight."

"Do all of the boys know?" I asked, not answering his question yet.

"No, just Liam and I. Liam told me," Niall said.

I nodded and said, "I'm confused," i sighed.

"Tell me what happened," he said.

"I don't even know! I was talking to the girls about Louis and I, and Eleanor just sort of burst and then we ended up screaming at each other and she called me a whore and bitch, and she said she was prettier and just over all better than me and said I should basically just give up on Louis," I said, starting to cry more.

Niall seemed angered. "I am seriously going to kill her for making you cry," he said.

"No, don't, Niall. I'm really glad that you care, but it''s going to be fine," I said unsure of myself.

Niall sighed and said, "Fine, I won't kill her. But, I really hate seeing you upset and I just really want to help."

I smiled at him and gave him a hug. "You're the best," I said.

Niall then said, "Well, c'mon, let's not spend one of your last nights home crying in a bathroom."

I sighed and said, "You're right."

"Now, you go have a great sleep over with Danie and Perrie. Go have a good time," he smiled.

I gave him a hug and he smiled. "Thanks, Nialler. You're the best."

We then both walked out of the bathroom and I was still wiping away tears. Perrie and Dani ran up to me once they saw me and hugged me. "I'm sure she didn't mean it," Danielle said.

"You know Eleanor isn't the type to do something like that," Perrie said.

I pulled away from their hugs and sighed. "Where is she now?"

"Sitting in the living room watching a movie with Josh as if nothing ever happened," Dani said.

I sighed and said, "It's whatever. If she wants to be a bitch, she can be a bitch."

Perrie sighed and said, "She'll come around; I'm sure of it."

I smiled a bit and said, "I sure hope so."

"Well, let's take our mind off of her and let her be. When she wants to apologize, she can," Danielle said.

I led Danielle and Perrie back to my room and we decided to watch some movies and get on the Internet. We spent some time retweeting fans and following them, some then proceeding to tweet about how much they are freaking out, making us laugh.

About 45 minutes into the first movie, there was a knock at my bedroom door. "It's open," I called.

Zayn then entered the room. "Hey, babe!" Perrie said.

He smiled and came over and gave her a kiss. "I was actually here because I need to talk to Jos real quick," Zayn said.

I got up and followed him out of my bedroom. "What's up?" I asked, still hurting inside from Eleanor's words.

"First of all, I came to see if you were okay. I heard about the whole Eleanor thing and I just wanted to make sure."

"I'm fine, I guess, but who told you?" I asked.

"Liam...but that's the other thing...Louis just found out and he's sort of enraged."

I groaned and said, "Why can't we just drop this whole situation?! I'm sick of this. It's my graduation day. All I wanted was a drama free day and a fun night with my friends. But, no, why have that when I can have one of my so-called 'best friends' call me a whore and have me cry in a bathroom? That sounds like a great way to end my high school career!"

Zayn came over and pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back. "I take it as though you're not okay..."

The tears started welling up. "Pretending to be okay is no fun, and I sort of suck at it," I said.

Zayn laughed a bit but squeezed me tighter. "Don't be upset, baby girl. Louis said he was going to talk to her..."

"Or scream at her..." Harry said as he walked up.

"I doubt he's going to scream at her. I'm sure he's going to have a nice, civil conversation with her and ask her to politely stop and apologize," Zayn said.

Harry laughed and said, "What are you talking about? They're down there screaming their heads off at each other."

Zayn and I gave each other a look before we quickly went to the staircase. From the top of the staircase, you could hear their yelling.

Zayn and I crept down the stairs and I peered around the corner. Louis and Eleanor were standing up, full on yelling incomprehensible things at each other.

Where was Josh?






"Can y'all just STOP?" I screamed, showing myself.

Louis and Eleanor both turned to me. "This isn't your argument," Eleanor said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Um, it kind of is, it's about me, after all," I said, walking towards them, Zayn still standing on the stairs.

"Will you just get the hell out of here?" Eleanor snapped.

Louis was about to speak, but I cut him off. "No. I won't. Eleanor, you need to get yourself sorted out. I think you have some huge jealously issues. You are with Josh, so why are you acting as if you and Louis are together? I am also not a whore. How is it I'm a whore if I have one, never slept with anyone, two, never cheated on anyone, or three, tried to steal someone's boyfriend? I'm more innocent than you, sweetie. If anything, you're the whore. Get over yourself. You and Louis are not together, you will never get back together, and you never should have been together. You've been a bitch to me today, and I don't like it. So, stop. Okay?"

Eleanor looked as if she was going to cry. For the first time, I didn't feel bad for her. She brought this among herself. Soon enough, the tears started to well up.

Josh then came into the room. "Sorry babe; I know that call took for- why the hell is my girlfriend crying?"

Josh looked at us, and I just sort of froze. I got nervous and I didn't say anything.

"They hurt my feelings," she said quietly.

I gave her a "what the hell" look and Louis said, "Don't dish out what you can't take."

"Wait, so you guys made my girlfriend cry?!" Josh asked, getting mad.

I remained silent, but Louis came over and stood by me in a protective way. "You don't know the story," he said.

"I don't care about the story! Eleanor is crying!" Josh exclaimed as he held Eleanor as she cried.

"They really hurt my feelings!" Eleanor cried.

Josh then let go of her and started heading towards us. "I can't do anything to Joslynn because she's a girl, but Tomlinson, I'm about to kick your arse."

"Okay, STOP," I said, standing in front of Josh, knowing he wouldn't hurt me.

"Josh, you don't know what happened," I started, but he cut me off.

"Yes, I do, you made my girlfriend cry!"


He then turned around to face Eleanor. "What is she talking about?" He asked as calmly as he could.

Eleanor just started to cry more.

"Josh, hear us out," I said.

He sighed, turning back to look at Eleanor and then back at us. He crossed his arms over his chest and said, "Fine."

"Come on," I said, trying to drag him out of the living room.

"No, we can stay here," he said.

"Fine," I sighed. "Long story short: I was talking about Louis and how I said I would probably end up dating him, and then she sort of lost it and said I didn't deserve him, and then she proceeded to say she and Louis would still be together if it wasn't for me, that she was the better girlfriend choice, and she said she was just over all better than me, and she really put the icing on the cake by calling me a bitch and a whore, and that's what you missed on Glee," I finished, making Louis laugh.

I swore I saw Josh crack a smile at my lame "Glee" reference, but then just a second later, hurt was all over his face.

He turned around to face her and he simply asked, "Is that true?"

Eleanor just burst into even more tears. "We will leave you two alone," Louis said, leading me up the stairs.

Once we got to the top of the stairs, Louis hugged me and said "I love you."

"I love you, too," I replied.

Louis then said, "I'm going to let you go back to your sleepover. We'll deal with Eleanor later," he said.

I nodded my head and he then went back into his room.

I then went into the bathroom instead of the bedroom. I went in and locked the door and looked at myself in the mirror.

I looked at myself. Normally, I look at myself in the mirror and think I look alright. But, not this time.

"Most of all, PRETTIER than you."



"I'm better than you."

"I'm smarter than you."

"I'm funnier than you."

Her words kept echoing in my head, and it was as if there was no escape. I put my head in my hands, doing my best to fight the echos.

But, that's when I heard something. A voice. A voice I haven't heard in three years, since I had my eating disorder.

"It's all true," The voice said. "All of it. You're worthless. Why not just die now? C'mon, do it. The razor is over there."

"No..." I helplessly whispered to myself.

"Do it. The razor. It's only a few steps away."

The voice continued taunting me for several minutes. Finally, I couldn't take it. I went straight to my shower, grabbing the razor.

"Don't," Part of me fought back.

"Just do it," the other part said.

The second voice was overpowering. The second voice was stronger. The second voice took control.

I took the blade, and I did it.

I did what I haven't done in three whole years.

Soon enough, the blood started trickling down my wrist...

"She paints a pretty picture

but this picture has a twist

you see.. her paintbrush is a razor

and her canvas is her wrist..."

That was the last thing the voice said to me that night.


Also, I forgot: I dedicated this to SammySaysSo, one of my contest winners! She writes a few stories, and I've read a bit of one of them.

Here are a few quick summaries of her stories:

Let Me Take You Home- "Have you ever wondered about the story behind One Direction's Take Me Home album? Did you think that the boys just recorded the songs a writer gave them, and left again? If that's what you think, you should read about my story and how I, Arianna Wilson, made everything possible for our five favorite boys."

Sleeping Beauty- "If you think you know everything that goes on in Harry Styles head, you should read on. The only motivation he has, is that one person he made a promise to. Now that one person only has to wake up to see how far he's come."

Lose Yourself- "Katherine McKinley, or as her friends call her, KitKat, is a tiny girl with a big voice. Everyone in school knows her for her singing, rapping, and her sick dance moves she likes to put out there in the middle of class. One day, her best friend, Alice, tries to convince her to post a video on the internet of her singing 'Lose Yourself' by Eminem. Katherine is unsure at first, but thought 'ah, what the heck' and just uploads the video. After people repeatedly tell her how amazing she is, she decided to upload once or twice a week. She never expected the internet to explode because of her, nor did she ever expect certain people to watch her videos."

Her first language isn't even English (it's German). She is seriously such a good writer, and you all should check her out! I read some of Sleeping Beauty and it is seriously so good! Go read her stories!

Sorry this is so long! Congrats if you made it to the end!

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