Chapter 16

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Zayn's POV

 I was going to come into the living room and see if Niall and Amy wanted to watch a movie, but had stopped in the doorway when I heard what seemed like a private conversation. I could still see Amy and Niall cuddled on the couch together I may only be able to see their backs, but I could tell the way she was cuddled into him was different from how she leaned on any of us when we watched movies. Then Niall leaned down kissing the top of her head. Okay well he’s over stepping some boundaries now, but maybe it’s just to comfort her I mean a lot has happened today. Then the most shocking things happened and there eyes met and he kissed her. Holy shit if Harry finds out he’s going to freak out. By the fact that neither of them looked shocked I’m guessing it wasn’t the first time they kissed either. After they pulled apart they shared a few more words as I masked my face and walked in. “Hey guys what you two up to?” I asked and I couldn’t help notice they moved apart a bit her head no longer under his chin and just rested on his shoulder like she does when she leans on any of us.

  “Oh nothing just telling Amy she’ll be fine on the interview tomorrow,” Niall said acting as if nothing had just been going one. “You think all of us will be part of it so not all the attentions on her?” Niall asked. I actually had to think about this for a moment.

  “Yea probably,” I said after a moment. Niall smiled and looked down at Amy.

“See I told you you’ll be fine,” Niall told her squeezing her hand drawing my attention to their interlocked fingers. Well they aren’t obvious at all. Though I have to say I’m a little shocked they have already kissed. Niall usually likes to get to know the girls before dating them or whatever they are calling this, but we’ve only known Amy just over a week.

  “Yea sure I guess,” Amy said rolling her eyes at him before getting up to put a movie in and grab a blanket. She came back over and curled into Niall again.

  “Hey Louis and I are heading out for a bit,” Harry said peeking his head in. All three of us looked at him and I noticed Niall and Amy pull away from each other. “Amy you going to be okay?” he asked with slight concern.

  “Yea I still have Niall, Liam and Zayn here,” she said smiling at Harry setting him at ease.

  “Okay well see you all in a few hours,” Harry said as Louis dragged him out of the bus. Well now that I knew Harry wouldn’t walk in it was my chance to see what was going on.

  “So when did this start,” I asked pointing to the two of them who were again cuddling. Amy got a little nervous were as Niall apparently was more ready for this.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about she leans on all of us when she sits on the couch,” Niall said as if it was the most rational thing, and I guess if I hadn’t seen more then that I would believe it.

  “Well as far I’m aware she doesn’t kiss us when she does,” Niall and Amy’s faces paled. Yea Niall didn’t have an answer for this one, but that I wasn’t shocked at. They shared a quick look before looking at me.

  “Zayn you can’t tell anyone especially Harry,” Amy said in a rush her eye’s pleading. I felt bad for her I wanted to scold Niall with how much younger she is and that she is Harry’s sister, but I couldn’t not in front of Amy.

  “I won’t, I don’t approve and he will find out eventually and it would be better if it’s by him being told by you. I however will not tell him and that’s a promise,” I told her fully intending to keep it. She has lost enough in a short time I wasn’t going to pull the first person she cares about away. I just hope Niall realizes how much is on his shoulders and he has to be incredibly gentle with her. I don’t think she could handle another heart break anytime soon.

  “Thank you Zayn, even if you don’t approve,” Amy said with a small smile as she hid her now red face into Niall’s chest. I will say one thing it’s nice to see her acting like a normal 16-year-old girl who had just been caught doing something she shouldn’t. Niall pulled her closer and pulled a blanket around her. Now I don’t know how I didn’t see it before, they are kind of obvious.

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