Jeff Atkins for Jade

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Final exams were in a week and being some sort of genius in school is not really a blessing. You have to help a couple of people to study and you just got no time for yourself.

I silently sat down and closed my eyes for a minute but my phone rang. I took a look at the caller ID before answering. "Clay? What is it?" I sleepily answered as I was so tired of all the tutoring.

"Jeff is studying and I need you to help me." I can hear the smirk on the way he spoke because he knew I had a major crush on Jeff Atkins. "I could make time... Where you at?" I asked, grabbing my bag and a couple of granola bar.

"Library. Could you go now?" Clay impatiently asked and I nodded, forgetting​ that I was on the phone. "Yeah. I'm on my way." I said, running down and to my car.

I opened the radio and drove to the school. I rapidly walked towards the library and saw Clay and Jeff laughing. "Hey guys." I said, sitting down next to Jeff. They both looked at me with a smile and I returned it.

"So... What subject?" I asked them and Jeff flipped his book. "History or we can study chemistry." Jeff said with a wink that made me blush. "Shush. Give me your book, Atkins." I said trying to look away from his gaze because I was melting so bad.

"Or I can give you my heart, babe." He joked and I giggled, feeling my heart race. He gave me his book then I flipped it to the page where the pointers were.

"The founders of America fought for our freedom and lives. And they did not smoke that shit, babe." I told him and he smirked at me when I called him babe. I rolled my eyes, smiling and closed the book as we finished History.

"What else, Jeff?" Clay asked him and I looked around the library. There was no one except us three. And the librarian. "Math." Jeff mumbled and I smiled.

"I hope solving this equation was as easy to stare at you, Jade. Why can't it be jut like that?" Jeff flirted and you laughed. "Then stare at me. Maybe you can see the answer in my eyes." I flirted back and we laughed.

"Your eyes hold all the answers to my questions. Like, why can't you be mine?" I smiled and he winked at me. I thought he was just doing this because he's bored so he thought of a way to waste his time. Flirting with me.

"Come on Jade. You know you want to." Clay muttered and I looked at him in shock. I looked at Jeff and he got his jaws dropped and I felt my heart break. I didn't want Jeff to know what I feel for him.

"Fuck off Clay." I snapped and clenched my fist. I started tearing up and tried to leave but I felt a hand pull me down. I looked at the person and saw Jeff. And I was on his lap. I can feel my cheeks flush and heard shuffling. I was too busy staring at Jeff's eyes when I remembered  why I was leaving the first place.

I looked at where Clay used to sit but I didn't see him there. Jeff made me face him and I looked down. "Look at me, Jade." He said and I did, loving the way his eyes sparkles.

"What's wrong?" He asked me and I sighed. Even if I don't want to tell him how I feel for him, I can give it a shot. "I like you, okay? A lot. And Clay just blew that up." I mumbled and he cracked a smile.

I was pulled by my waist and felt soft lips  press on mine. My stomach chimed at the feeling and my heart started beating faster than before. He pulled away and shot me another smile.

"I feel the same, Jade. For almost a year, actually. I always ask Clay to call you to help me study because I want to spend time with you. I like you, a lot."

"Yes! Finally!" My head snapped towards the direction of the noise and saw Clay looking at us. "What did you see?" Jeff asked him and I giggled. "All of it." Clay said, grinning and I took the closest thing that was next to me, which was a pencil, and threw it at him.

Jeff and I let out a laugh before lips placed over mine again, making me smile, knowing that the guy I have liked for months, like me back.

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