Justin Foley (2)

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I walked along the corridors, looking for my boyfriend, Bryce, (sucks. I know right?) but he was nowhere to be found. I was getting furious and mad because I've been searching the whole school for an hour but there was no sign of him.

"Y/N?" I turned around and saw Justin. "Hey have you seen Bryce?" His face dropped before nodding. "He's home." I scrunched my nose at the thought of Bryce leaving without any texts or calls. "Was he pissed or something?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"I can walk you there." He offered and I smiled at him. "Thanks. But you didn't answer my question." I told him and he snickered. "Sorry. His head was hurting so... He just went home." He trailed off and seemed down.

Is he lying?

I just shrugged it off and we walked quietly to Bryce's house. It really wasn't an awkward silence it's just normal silence. Neither of us wanted to talk so we didn't talk or dared to speak.

Once we reached the street Bryce was in, I heard loud music blaring. I rolled my eyes and went inside his house and saw beer all around the floor.

Of course. His parents and siblings aren't home.

I walked up the stairs and opened his bedroom door to see him fucking a girl mercilessly. And the girl seemed to like it. I didn't flinch. I just stood there and watched them. I felt disgusted at Bryce and especially at the girl.

I wasn't heartbroken completely. Just a little hurt to see that Bryce was having sex with another girl. I knew he was cheating but I didn't know that he's gonna ditch me at school, all alone and promised me that he'd take me home, and fuck a girl.

I slammed the door close before running out of this hell hole. I saw Justin looking down and I crossed my arms at him. "You knew he was fucking a girl and you told me that he had a head ache so he can leave early." I huffed.

"He told me not to tell you and take you far away from his house." Yet he took me. Wow.

"Then why did you take me here? Why did you let me see that shit?" I asked, pointing at Bryce's window. "I wanted you to see what he was doing all this time. He does that every damn time. I wanted you to see that shit because I want you to open your eyes and that you don't deserve him!"

"Then who?!" I yelled out in frustration. "Me! I can treat you better! I can do better things than him! I might not be able to buy you stuffs that you like but at least I can love you! You deserve someone who will treat you like a woman!" He ranted and you sighed.

You didn't know that Justin felt that way.

"But he's the one that i want." You made a face that was showing aversion. You knew deep inside he was not the one you wanted.

"I know you don't. He's been lying to you. All this fucking time. Don't be blind. Don't be fucking stupid. Use your brain. I know you don't love him. This is just bullshit, Y/N." You knew he was so fucking right so you just shut up and let him speak.

"Those nights you cried because of him, it was all worthless! He doesn't care. You should be with me. You don't know how jealous I am of Bryce for having the girl I've wanted all those years. I've always wanted you to kiss me, to know that you're mine. Bryce doesn't know what he's missing out on. Y/N... Just... I love you. So much."

Your heart skipped a beat at what he just said and you smiled. You knew in yourself that he was the one you wanted because he always made you special and treat you right. Unlike Bryce.

"I love you too."

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