Tony Padilla (2)

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You sat down the seat uncomfortably as (Ex) fidgeted at his wallet while looking at the bill of the food you ate. You tapped your nails on the table as you impatiently looked at him. When you saw that he was no longer looking at his wallet and is just looking at the bill, you took your wallet out of your purse and took out 100$ and gave it to the waiter. "Keep the change." You spat out before grabbing your things and heading out the restaurant without looking at your cheap boyfriend.

You walked alone, pissed again because of him. First, he was late for your date. Second, he didn't have enough money for what you ate. And thirdly, he has no car. So you're walking home. You looked back, not seeing him in your back, following you like a lost puppy. You sighed in relief as you continued to walk down the sidewalk.

The restaurant was a good 20 minute walk away from your house so you just walked. The things Tony told you about him ringed on your head and you groaned in frustration.

Tony was right. He was no good.

You skipped your house and just continued until you reached your best friend, Tony's house. You knocked on his door and when you saw his face and smile, all anger just washed away.

"Come in, love." He told you and you went in, following him to his room. It looks like he was just arranging his clothes as clothes were everywhere and some of your clothes too as you sleep here a lot.

"What's up? What happened with your date?" You rolled your eyes as he smirked at you. "He was late with no car and I paid for what we ate." You said as you fell down his bed.

"Told ya he was nothing better. You should leave him. It will benefit both you and I. Your friends were telling you to leave him anyway." You sighed and took a look at him. He was next to you in the bed, on his elbows propped up like a model.

"I know." You mumbled and you sat up. "He is cheating on you. With Aubrey. I hope you know that. He spends his money on her. Always out with her. Clay and I saw him yesterday with Aubrey at an expensive resto."

You felt a tear slip out your eye and you quickly wiped it away. "I know." You chocked out and Tony wiped away the tears on your cheeks. "Sweetie, he's not worth it for you. You deserve someone better." He whispered before kissing your forehead.

"I know." You felt like the only thing you can make out was 'I know' as you felt numb. "Fuck, (Y/N), why can't you see that you should be with me. You don't need him. I can help you get over him." He said, looking straight into your eyes. "I like you (Y/N). I've always had. I always will. Fuck, you don't know how hard it is for me to see you get hurt because of those assholes who doesn't deserve you. You're way too out of their leagues. I hope you know that. I can give you what you want. Just, just be with me (Y/N). I can love you more than you could ever imagine. Just saying."

Hey guys sorry the previous one was a mistake 😂😂😂

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