Tony Padilla

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Your POV

"Hey. Y/N. Come on." I stood up from the chair I was sitting on and followed Tony out on his car. He started the engine and drove off.

"Where are we going?" I asked him, staring out at the open. "Just somewhere." He said and put on a tape. 'The Night We Met' came on and memories of the dance came back to my mind. I shrugged it off and just sang along while looking at Tony. He smiled before placing his hand on my knee and I felt heat rush up my cheeks. (Let's pretend Tony ain't gay here, aight?)

The car came to a halt along with the music and Tony went out the car and opened the passenger's door. I looked at the rocky mountain and I saw Tony take off his leather jacket. He took out a rope, and a couple of things and that's when I realized it. He wants to climb the rock shit.

"Look, Tony, if you want to climb that, you're going alone. I don't want to die. Yet." He shook his head at me and made me dip my hand on something and my hand felt rough. "You're climbing with me. Come on. I know you're upset about something." He said and pulled me to the bottom of the rock. He started climbing it like it was an easy shit and I just stayed there. "Y/N, come on!" I rolled my eyes at him before climbing which was super fucking hard to do.

"You Lil' pest! I almost died in there!" I screamed at him as I got up the rock with a little help from him. "You wouldn't have died. You'll just fracture some bones." He muttered and I snorted. "Still! You don't know if my head went down first! I could've fucking di-" I stopped ranting as he turned me around and I saw the wonderful view.

"Wow.." I sighed and I heard Tony chuckle. I felt arms wrap around my waist and I hugged it. "Love the view?" He whispered as he kissed the back of my ear. I felt shivers run down my spine and I smiled.

"Yeah..." I mumbled and he pulled away from me. "FUUUUUUUUCK!" He screamed and I laughed. "What are you doing?" I asked him and he smiled. "Letting my anger out. You should try it." He said before doing it again. "FUUUUUUUUUCK! FUCK YOU WORLD! FUCK EVERYTHING THAT PULLS ME DOWN! FUCK YOU!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and Tony laughed.

"That's my girl." I heard him whisper before sitting down. I did the same and watched as the sun set down.

"Let's take you home." He said and I looked down the rock. "How are we gonna go down from here?" I asked him and he chuckled. "We use the stairs." I looked at him and cocked my eyebrows and he pointed at the stairs. "You lil' shit! There have been stairs the whole time?! Why didn't you tell me?!" I screamed at him and he smiled.

"That's no fun, babe. We're here for the adventure." "Correction... You're here for the adventure."

13 Reasons Why PreferencesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang