Justin Foley for Maddie

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I woke up to the sound of a thing hitting my window. I sat up my bed and looked at where he noise is coming from. I gasped as a round thing hit the window again and opened the lamp. "Maddie!" I almost jumped out my bed before realizing it was Justin.

I stood up and opened the window. I saw him with his duffle bag and he smiled before climbing up the tree. "Hey babe." He mumbled once he reached my window. I smiled before attaching his lips on mine.

He carefully put his feet down and I stared at him. He's got puffy eyes and a red hand-like mark on his neck. I felt worry fill my body and he tried to cover them with his letterman.

"What happened to you babe?" I worriedly asked him and he started tearing up. I felt my heart break before I pulled him in for a hug. "Babe, babe... What happened? Why?" I silently asked him and he hugged me tighter. "It's him again. He tried to choke me. Mom... She didn't do anything. She didn't." He whispered as I felt my shirt get wet because of his tears but I didn't care.

I hugged him tighter and felt sorry. "Babe, we're gonna report that son of a bitch. I don't want anyone hurting you. And i know he's hurting your mom... We're gonna report him to the police." I assured him and I felt him smile a little even with all this pain he's going through.

I took a look at his duffle bag again and I saw that it was super stuffed. "You got a place to crash?" I asked him, rubbing his back. He shook his head while sniffing and I smiled. "You can stay here, babe." I said while lifting his head up, placing a kiss on his forehead.

"I love you so damn much, Maddie." He whispered. "I love you too, Justin." I mumbled before attaching our lips together.

We pulled away once I heard the door from downstairs crash and a couple of yells of my name so I quickly knew it was Dad, which means I have to hide Justin. I don't want to kick him out and I really want him to stay the night.

"Maddie!" I heard once again and I sighed. I quickly grabbed Justin's arm and pushed him inside my closet while he silently laughed. I pecked Justin's lips before running to my Dad. "What is it Dad?" I asked him but he walked over to my room.

He went in front of the closet and I swear that every second, my heart was pounding out my chest. When Dad opened the closet door, I let out a little squeak and my eyes closed voluntarily.

I felt relieved once I didn't see a sign of Justin inside the closet but I did wonder where he is hiding. "He's not here." Dad mumbled and I acted as if I don't know who he's talking about.

"Who would be in my closet at midnight? Justin? He's back home. He's sleeping already." I told him and Dad inhaled before letting out a puff. "Break up with him. He's a no good. He's gonna break your heart in a matter of seconds." He said before giving me a kiss in the forehead and left my room with a thud.

I got a little heartbroken that my Dad thinks Justin is a no good but I quickly shrugged it off and closed the door. I looked for Justin under the bed, inside the bathroom, but he was nowhere to be found.

"Justin?" I whispered before I felt a hug from my back. "Hey." I soughed and he chuckled. "I hate the fact that we always have to hide from your Dad." Justin mumbled and I frowned.

"Yeah... Sucks." I muttered right before sitting in my bed. I kept thinking about what Dad told me about Justin breaking my heart in a matter of seconds. I hated the fact that Dad was partially right and i hate the fact that he doesn't want me to be with the boy I love and loves me.

"Maddie, you do know that I don't want to break your heart, right?" He whispered as if he was reading my mind. "Yeah." I mumbled and I felt him lift my chin with his index finger.

"Maddie, you know I won't. I care about you more than I care about myself. I don't want you to get hurt. I don't even want to see anyone lay a finger on you. I love you so much, that it's hurting me. Especially the way your Dad treats me. It kills me to know I can't be with you around him." Justin spoke.

My head felt like it was in cloud nine and my heart halted. His speech wasn't long but it was enough for me to melt. "I love you too, Justin."

Hey Maddie. Hope you like this 😄 Sorry if it's trashy

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