Alex Standall

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Your POV

I silently opened the window, creeping in, and looked for him. Under the bed, inside his closet, bathroom, nowhere. He's nowhere to be found. But at least his room looked clean.

I sat down on his bed and laid down on the pillow. I heard paper crumple up and I sat up again. I saw a piece of folded paper with my name written on it. I took it and opened it.

"Hey my love, There comes a time in a person's life when he realizes what his life's purpose is. But at that time as human as he is, he needs that strong emotional support from that special someone who matters to him. This support helps him to keep going strong. You my angel, have been that strong pillar of strength to me. No matter what anyone would say to shatter my confidence, you would stand by me. No matter what anyone would do to shake me, I always had your reassuring voice restoring the strength in me. No Matter what anyone would do to hurt me and to break me, I knew you always had my back. I must have not said it then but baby I wouldn't make it this far without you. You stood by me when nobody else did. You held my hand when I was lost and even if you didn't know the way back I always knew you would at least be with me. I want to tell you how much I appreciate all that you have done for me and how grateful I am for not just coming into my life but staying in it. Im sorry for what I'm about to do. I couldn't help it anymore. Everything is eating me up on the inside. It's killing me slowly. You stopped me once, twice, but now... I think you can't. It's all in my head. The worst nightmare anyone could ask for. I wouldn't do this for you but... I'm thinking about me. I'm so sorry.I could not have asked God for a better life partner than you. I love you.
~Alex Standall."

I blinked, more tears falling down on the paper. I tried to think where he is now. There's only on place I could think off.

I hurriedly went out his door and ran to my car, driving as fast as I can with the note on my hand. I can feel my heart breaking as the words rang in my head over and over.

I parked my car and got out silently. I saw him, sitting at the edge. "Alex?" I whispered but he didn't budge. "Alex? It's me... Y/N." I said a little louder and I heard muffled cries. I walked closer and saw him covering his eyes. "Baby..." I whispered before hugging him. He instantly hugged me back and I let him cry.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry." He repeatedly whispered in my ear and I felt tears well up. I looked down and saw a gun. I took it and threw it down the edge and I finally cried. "Alex.. Why are you doing this? Why are you trying to take your own life? Do you know how much that is gonna affect me? Do you know how hurt I'm gonna be? Baby.. I'm here to help you. I'm here to love you. I'm here to share with your problem. Don't ever try to do that again, please." By now, we were both sobbing and I took his bleached head back to me and I hugged him tighter.

"I promise."

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