Chapter 15 :" Sometimes Silence Is Not The Answer

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             Hi guys back with an update ,hope it lives up to your expectation.

Two month later

               When you get an second chance at life,  You tend to be extra cautious. That how swara and sanskar lived for over two month.  Obviously they loved each other and been happy . Yet there were hesitance that often kept them from being themselves 

                After a week Sanskar had heard his father moved out of the Maheshwari house with his family, Swara asked if they could go and see them . He realized her request instead of demand was because she didn't know how he would react ,yet another small hesitance but still something that made him wonder how much she is locking herself away .

               Though Sanskar had asked his family to move in with them ,his father refused stating they need some time alone and he was perfectly capable of looking after his family . It pricked his conscience about the countless time he ran away from his family either in anger or hurt .

               A month has passed since that day , though his family visited their house often ,they always declined the invite to move in and slowly sanskar saw that his mom was happy ,one night he asked his wife as she was tucked beside him in the bed about the reason for his mom happiness and her answer made him wonder how he was unaware of it .

             " When you get married Sanskar and move into your in laws house. You change yourself for them. To follow their rules ,their customs and their traditions. And sometime you lose yourself or the person you were before the marriage ,I think mom lost herself in the house ,always worried about bade maa reaction had tempered her actions and for the first time she is finding herself again hence she is happy . Because she no longer need to fear their approval " his wife answered back yet another thing that surprised him . 

            He wanted to ask her ,if she changed as well but he already knew the answer . She did indeed change after their marriage for his family and yet he only found it as a fault that she wasn't his priority . Yet another regret to carry for the rest of his life of not understanding his wife properly .

            Sanskar was afraid he hadn't been around much with swara lately in the last two months , He missed her. But he is worried that swara might think he is avoiding her.  He knows she has been bit cautious with him, He hated that. He hate making her feel that way. She doesn't even ask for anything from him anymore. He wanted to be with her. Break those barriers she build over her heart, But he couldn't do it before letting her break over his barriers.

              Sanskar wants to confide in her  , He does trust swara but he can't share the problem in his work  with her. Because it might give her needless worry. But at the same time he is worried of keeping it from her. And especially he hates what he found out today.  He had kept himself informed of the Maheshawari industries and today he learnt  Laksh had been using the company name for illegal business ,he  managed to cover his tracks well  but  if Sanskar could find it ,someone else will find it soon enough .

               His entire life tumbled down when he tried to make Laksh aware that he was wrong to use shortcut to gain wealth and he didn't want to interfere yet again but can't ignore the countless employees who work in the firm and also his bade papa a man of principles will not be able to accept the truth .


       He wanted to ask of swara opinion but he is scared about the same, He was tired of covering for his cousin ,  But he wasn't sure what swara would feel if she found out about Laksh. Would she again ask him to support Laksh or will she support his decision this time around. And  he knew he can't carry this burden alone,  tonight he decided. Tonight he will finally tell her everything.


             Meanwhile swara was waiting for sanskar to come back home, She missed him when he is not around. She knows he is busy with work. She also know he was stressed out about something. She asked about it last night when he took her out for a drive. Sometime he over exerts himself to keep her happy.  Yesterday even when he came home tired. He decided to take her out since his mom told him about how swara needs fresh air after her visit .

              Swara approached the topic with hesitance. For awhile it looked like sanskar might actually open up but he changed the topic soon leaving swara sad.  While she was happy to be with him, She wants to be someone he could trust, Someone he could  share everything .

                   She got a call from her sister who had surprisingly chosen to travel with Shaurav to be part of his sister wedding ,in the two months her sister had found a good friend in him that even her parents didnt object much when she told them .

               Then at the sound of the calling bell ,she rushed out to open the door fully anticipating to see her husband and was surprised to find his bade maa  standing outside . Swara invited her inside and wondered what could have brought her to their house .

             It was then she learnt about Laksh actions about how he used the company for illegal business and also asked Sanskar dad to quit when he asked too many questions ,that news had been a surprise as no one told Sanskar or her about his dad resignation  .

             Apparently Sanskar had visited his bade maa to tell her the truth and she wanted Swara to convince Sanskar not to act on it . Swara had been taken back by her request asking to forgive Laksh for his actions and yet she did understand her pain at not wanting to see her another son behind the bars .

           " Please Swara, it not Laksh fault everything his Myra fault . She runs the office and he had signed few papers without reading it through . I can't even kick her out when she just gave birth to my grandson . Laksh doesn't know about any of it ,I talked with him and he had been surprised by the news . Talk to Sanskar only you can change his mind , ask him to let it go this once " Sanskar bade maa spoke up and Swara looked up to see Sanskar standing inside the house . 

                    After yet again asking Sanskar to reconsider his bade maa left leaving her alone with her husband ,her husband who failed to confide in her about Laksh because he couldn't trust her not to support Laksh ,granted she had often followed family is right and can be forgiven all the times . And she would have rushed to Laksh defense before and asked Sanskar to give him a chance for his bade maa . 

               But in the last few months she had realized something that helping others was in her nature ,and yet if she kept handling their problems all the time then they may grow more bold and remain unchanged from their ways ,just like Laksh who in spite of being given a second chance was hell bent on making the same mistakes .           

        Sanskar waited and waited for swara to bring it up the whole night. But she didn't, Sanskar wish he understood what going on her mind.  But her silence was confusing him. Shouldn't she try and persuade him for his bade maa,he did listen to their conversation and knew Swara must be concerned. He was in awe of her forgiving nature that she forgot all about his bade maa words the last time they met .

               When Sanskar went to the Maheshwari house to tell his bade maa ,he had a hard time looking at her face ,he couldn't quite come to terms with her actions and he didn't like that she questioned his wife over her fidelity . Yet he didn't want her to find it from some one else . After much consideration Sanskar decided to act on it instead of letting laksh continue on his way and destroy the company and the future of his employees.

         Sanskar wanted to know what was going through his wife mind , If she did talk to him  maybe sanskar can try to explain why Laksh can't be let off the hook this time because his crimes won't just affect him this time but everyone around him .

       Meanwhile swara waited and waited for sanskar to share with her about Laksh. She knew what bothering him and she wants to tell him she supports him but for that he needs to share with her first.  And sometime silence is not an answer. Because they both spent the night without sleep.

P. S:" That it for now . Let me know your feedback. Hit the votes if you liked it.And it an small update sorry about that. "


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