Chapter 18 :" The Final Chapter "

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         And the journey had reached its end for the second time, thanks to those who reread this version also to those who read it for the first time..

3 Months later 

Swara woke up to find her husband missing from the other side of the bed, she knew where he would be or with whom he would be as she slowly got up from the bed and went  to help out her husband.Just like she expected he was in the living room with his daughter trying to get her back to sleep. Sanskaar adored his daughter and usually mothers are programmed to  wake up when the child cries  but in her life her husband always beat her to it, he was the one more connected with their kid a face Swara was proud of after it was her Sanskar . But it hasn't been easy for her husband, he spends every second in the house with his daughter and then get less sleep every night, day by day he was getting more tired and worn out but if there was anything Sanskaar was adamant.

" I Am up Sanskar give her to me. And you go and sleep for awhile.. " She spoke up as she tried to take their daughter from his hands

 " Shhhh she is almost asleep, Let her sleep then I will sleep." he answered back as she looked at her daughter who eyes were slowly drifting back to sleep.

 " Fine, When have you ever listened when it comes to your daughter. " she answered back as she knew arguing him with would only prolong the discussion.

  And her husband knew she was angry that she gently kissed her cheek in a bid to make peace as he walked inside their room with Asha. Her heart swelled with happiness to find them both asleep when she stepped inside their room few minutes later, two of the most important persons in her life. An hour later she went in to wake him up, she didnt have the heart to disturb his sleep but he had an important meeting today.  So she gently tapped him and he was up. He was getting ready while Swara shifted Asha to her cradle from the bed. And was about to pick out sanskar clothes when his phone rang. Swara usually doesn't answer his calls  But decided to see the caller ID and let him know when he walks out. And the name bade maa  came as a surprise, it has been months since they talked with each other . She answered the call trying to find the reason behind it .

        " Sanskar,  Come home now. You bade papa got an heart attack. I don't know what to do. Laksh is not at home and he isnt answering his call . " The frantic voice of bade maa greeted her before she could say a word.

 " Bade Maa,  It Swara. You relax first.We will be there in five minutes. Have you called the ambulance yet ." Swara answered  back trying to calm her down 

 " No. I am all alone at home. I am scared Swara beta.. " bade maa answered back.

  " I will call the ambulance,  We will be there Maa. You don't worry. " Swara found herself speaking up as she ended the call and quickly dialled for the ambulance.

        It took Swara and sanskar ten more minutes to reach the Maheshwari house as along the way they dropped Asha with Sanskar mom and since Sanskar dad was out of town at the moment they didnt know whether to inform him or not but decided to do so after they reached the hospital.

The ambulance had already arrived. Swara went with bade maa in the ambulance as she refused to leave him even for a second awhile Sanskar drove behind them,  And it was an nerve wracking next few hours as he was wheeled into surgery immediately, Laksh reached exactly two hours later and the sight of swara and sanskar in the hospital added more fire to his anger.

" What are you doing here.. " Laksh asked in anger as he walked towards Sanskar.

 " I called them,  I didn't know what to do.. " his mother answered his question 

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