Chapter 6 :" Reckless "

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                       Hi guys, back with an update .Hope it lives upto your expectations .

An week later.

                      Swara held on to her anger for so long , and she didn't know when a crack appeared in it . She didn't know how but back in the hospital when he ignored her ,it hurt more than words could convey .

                      Then when she walked back home ,she realized that she was way out of line with her words accusing him yet again for not caring about his cousin . Last time she spoke in anger and when it led to their separation she held on to the anger ,this time she hated that she provoked him needlessly .

                     She wanted to apologize but didn't  know  where to start , the sheer disbelief in his voice when he saw a glimpse of Laksh told her more about his fears in the last six months and she realized she believed his hatred had consumed him and he no longer cared about Laksh .

                       When he asked her not to help their family six months ago ,that was what she believed he was too hurt by his family and let his hatred consume him to the point of no return . She let her preconceived opinions cloud her judgement . Now she realized she judged him too quickly for a single moment of wrong action.

                           It has been a week since she last saw Laksh and there was no new information about him , swara wanted to find Laksh for her sister and for also Sanskar . Back then all Swara saw was black and white ,that she felt her sister needed her more than Sanskar and in hindsight lost sight of her way .

                             Swara wanted to fix it up ,her mistakes atleast and it should start with finding Laksh ,she played part in accusing her husband for laksh disappearance and she want to find her brother in law for both her sister and Sanskar ,so she went to the station in search of Prateep the person in charge of Laksh case with her sister .

                         " I am sorry Mrs Maheshwari but it was as if he is a ghost and we couldn't find any connection . We did  find the doctor who treated the Lady with him ,she was introduced as his wife as we suspected and all the information they provided were false as well .

                            And the nurse though overheard them talking together ,she told us the Lady with him asked her husband to get the car as it is a long drive back home . So the likely scenario is that he could be anywhere and not near the hospital .

                         We had our officers look through the CCTV cameras on the parking lot and he must parked in a blind spot because his car wasn't seen in any of the cameras and we almost gave up but two days ago  the doctor called me because she remembered something else . The name of a place they mentioned between each other .

                   It is a small town bit away from the city , but the place is known for being filled with convicts . It is the hub for all the illegal activities , just the sight of a uniform will seal their lips ,so we haven't been able to find him . But we do know have a specific location it will narrow our search and we may be able to find him soon "Prateep told them and yet it wasn't enough to find Laksh .

            So the next day ,she woke up and realized she had no appointments scheduled for the day . It was sheer curiosity that led her drive to the town ,she only had the instruction from Google map and she remembered Prateep telling her ,the people in that town won't talk to Police .

                       So she  hoped to ask on her own ,few harmless enquires and she choose the least threatening persons to ask those questions . A mother with her kid and an elder walking with his dog and so on but no one seemed to have seen Laksh .

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