Chapter 13:" Jealousy "

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Chapter 13:" Jealousy"

   One Week Later

                              Swara missed him, they had planned to tell his family the next day but an unexpected problem in work led him to leave her in her parents house the very next day as he went out of station to look into it . She had insisted she can stay in their house until he comes back but he didnt want her to be alone, though she talked with  him everyday , she still missed him. Today she felt bit guilty as well that she was on her first check up without him. But the doctors appointment had been fixed a week ago and she had hoped he would return by then . 

                    Ragini tried her best to keep her happy but Swara was nervous about his family reaction when they found out, she knew he had told his family the half truth that he was away but not about them yet. He wanted to convey it in person and frankly swara knew he was already not so good terms with his family that she worried about it, a part of her wanted their child to have the love of both families. 

           Ragini insisted she would accompany her, so they went together and the moment they reached, Ragini friend had been waiting for them, she looked at her sister who had a smile on her face which indicated she already texted him about their arrival. Swara didnt know Shaurav but he did make her sister smile and it had to be enough to forgive his interference in their life. 

          " Should i ask Shymala to see you first.. She is a good  friend of mine and she wont mind to help me out " he had offered when Ragini told him the doctor name, and Swara noticed her sister face fell a little at the fact he had a friend of the opposite gender, he must have noticed it too because he immediately clarified that he and her husband studied together that how they knew each other and as expected her sister face lit up in a smile to realize his friend was married. 

       But Swara insisted to follow the order as she was in no trouble to rush home, since it the early weeks of pregnancy she didnt feel that tired as well. They only had to wait around 30 minutes before the doctor called them , Swara was happy to know everything looked fine because she wanted to have a healthy baby  . She called Sanskar the moment they got out of the doctor room since she knew he would remain worried, she didnt know how time went when she started to talk with him but was glad to turn around and see her sister was totally unaware of her and talking with her friend with a smile. 

    " Who is this" a familiar voice broke in as Swara turned to see Laksh standing beside her along with his wife, Swara noticed the moment her sister turned towards her and froze as she looked at her ex husband with his new wife.

  " None of your concern Laksh " Swara lashed back as she walked towards her sister leaving him speechless . She had hoped Laksh would stay silent but rather than remain quiet he walked towards Ragini instead leaving his wife behind .


      Ragini hated that she still felt his betrayal ,but the anger had subsided to an extent ,so did the pain at the sight of him . His face held anger though as he approached her . She didn't really want to see him and yet again face everything, she had been trying too hard to move on from the past and he remained a constant remainder of her mistakes .

.        " Who is he ?" his question surprised her but more than that Shaurav answer came as a shock .

           " Her boyfriend " Shaurav answered ,she turned to glare at him in anger but he only smiled back at her .

            " How could you move on this soon ,it hasn't been a month since you for divorced " laksh spoke up and for the first time in forever ragini heard the level of selfishness in his speech ,she had been to blind in love before to hear it properly .

        " Unlike you who moved on while we were married ,this is not wrong and also does your wife knew she is only number three among your wife's and may soon be replaced by someone else because of your foolishness " Ragini hated that she gave into her anger as she noticed the surprise in his wife face ,so Laksh hadn't been truthful to her either .

       " Don't bring kavya into this ,it was because of you I fell into her trap " Laksh lashed back and it did indeed hurt a bit but she refused to let him break again .

      " Fine .Blame it all on me and it makes no difference to me ,you go and live happily with you wife and I mean it laksh . Just don't ever again try to speak with me " Ragini answered back because she was done with him . But his wife wasn't apparently as she spoke up next shattering her happiness .

      " One of you is divorced ,the other one is separated . Yet what are you doing in this ward . Don't tell me one of you is pregnant ?" Myra words shook her up ,the insult was well timed but coming from her who got pregnant with someone else husband didn't speak much of her .

       " Let leave ragini , it is a waste to talk with them " her sister spoke and yet ragini saw the hint of worry in her face ,Sanskar wasn't home and if Myra told laksh family about the pregnancy it may come as a shock .

       But she didn't know how fast she would work because by the time ,they reached home the entire Mahehswari family were waiting on  the door step .

      " How could you ragini ,I trusted you . I thought Laksh would come to your sense soon and you were pregnant with someone else child ,all this six months you acted like you really cared about my son but you had an affair behind his back " laksh mom spoke up and ragini felt herself crumble again those words .

        When her son did it. They welcomed him back into their home but without even asking her,they already assumed and calling her unfaithfulness. 

      " I am the one who is pregnant, not ragini " her sister voice came to her defense and everyone stilled as she spoke up but ragini worried about their reaction because at the end of the day ,ragini is no longer affiliated with the house but to Swara they will still be her family

      " And who is the father of your child , surely not Sanskar . He left the home as soon as you stepped inside ,he barely can stand you after you left him " Annapurna maheshwari the epitome of self righteousness spoke up and Ragini felt the surprise evident in her sister words as she grappled with those words that shattered her heart .

           Back then ragini didn't know laksh mom who had suffered under his new wife blamed both of them for her suffering ,she invited Myra into her home and yet blamed Swara for not coming to her defense and ragini for not holding on to her son ,in her eyes the fault rest with her bahu not her son and the pent up anger were lashed out in that one moment destroying everything in its wake .

P. S:" Another short update , well need to keep the suspense . Let me know your feedback.. Hit the Votes if you liked it.. "



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