Chapter 5 :" Glimpse of him "

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                  Hi guys back with an update ,hope it lives upto your expectations .

Two hours later. 

                     Swara got discharged two hours later  , and she was waiting in the bill counter as her sister went to pay the bill, only to learn it had been already paid by her husband . After their argument she didn't know why he bothered to do so .

                    " Let me get the prescribed medicines then we can leave " her sister spoke up ,Swara didn't mind the wait . Her mind was too numb after today encounter with her husband .

                  She was glancing around to see something that would divert her from her depressing thoughts but she didn't expect to see him , at first she ignored the man walking with a pregnant woman towards the gate  as her husband until she looked at his face . 

                      Swara called out his name but he was too far away to notice her ,she tired to catch up with him but by the time she reached the gate where she last saw him ,he already left .   She ran around the parking lot trying to find him and that was how her sister found her with the doctor who treated her earlier .


             Ragini didn't want to see him ,yet when she went to get the medicines .There he stood talking with his colleagues ,his eyes never strayed away from her and she didn't know why it bothered her . He may have been the man who helped her back then but it didn't mean he can treat her with disrespect .

               And when she returned to the place where swara was waiting ,she found her sister missing and she kept shouting her name in the corridor that it gained her some attention including his ,who walked over to her to help . He asked few of his colleagues to search after Swara as Ragini showed them her picture ,Ragini had been worried she must have fainted somewhere all over again .

           So both of them didn't expect her to be running around in the parking lot ,ragini was at relieved to see her sister then angry at her for leaving without a word but every retort from her was unspoken when her sister spoke up instead. 

      " I saw Laksh " her sister statement made her head spin ,she had a million questions but she held them back as her eyes searched around the parking lot as well in search of him ,only ten minutes later the three of them stopped their search as it proved futile .

      And only then ragini turned to ask about him ,her sister description made her worry if her sister didn't see him properly ,why would her husband be with a pregnant woman it didn't make any sense but Swara had been adamant that it had been Laksh ,that she wanted to believe her sister because it would mean he was alive.

          " If he was alive and perfectly well why didn't he contact you for six months " Shaurav spoke up and Ragini didn't want him voicing out her thoughts. 

         " Maybe he forgot his memories like I did " her sister spoke up trying to comfort her and yet ragini was left with million questions but a small assurance that he was alive .


       50 missed calls, Sanskar woke up the next day to find them in his phone .All from her , after their argument he put his phone in silent mode and hit the bars . Only when he was too drunk ,did he go back home and promptly fell asleep .

       His mind panicked at the thought the last time he saw her she had been in an hospital ,he didn't wait to call her but rather drove to her home .He won't be satisfied until he saw her in person ,yet he couldn't make himself step inside her house  .

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