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3 Months later
                           Swara Sanskar Maheshwari stood in silence as the priest spoke the vows that will join the two souls before her in Matrimony.  Riya and Akash were her first clients , and so she oversaw all the preparations with the help of her sister.

                          It was a irony of fate that two people who have an unsuccessful marriage trying to help others get married.  And yet she needed this work to keep her hope alive that not all marriage crash and burn like hers .

                        At the reminder of her marriage , her heart squeezed in pain . A hundred an seventy two days since she last saw the man who married her.  The man she loved ,loves with all her heart.  


           Ragini Laksh Maheshwari stood in silence as she tamped down the impulse to comfort her sister.  She went along with her sister plan because she didn't want to be alone in her thoughts .

             She lived in a limbo ever since her Laksh went missing ,after the initial month of trying everything to find him and failed over and over again .

                After visiting every stranger who matched his description , after waking up every night with an nightmare where she lost him forever.  Ragini choose to numb her emotions to feel anything ,it better this way than wonder what happened to the man she loves with all her heart


        Sanskar Maheshwari watched in silence as his wife smiled at the bride , he wanted to see her in tears and not happy without him . When he can't feel anything except darkness .

       She always had been his light and when she walked away from him ,she took it with her and left a shell of him behind . And Sanskar accepted it and moved on ,the part of him that longed for love , the part of him that wanted a family with her all crashed and burned the day she walked away . 

                Now he will live just to prove that he hadn't killed his cousin ,that the only thing that keep him existing ,to prove he isn't a murderer to his family.

             As he walked away from the marriage hall before anyone noticed him , he realized that no matter what happened ,their is no happiness left for him .When his heart is filled with such hatred for his wife ,the love of his life .

P.S : " That it for now  ,let me know your thoughts and Feedback .Hit the votes if you liked it  "




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