Chapter 3:"Regrets and Heartbreak"

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Two weeks later.

                 Regret can be an powerful emotion and all time consuming,  Swara felt suffocated with it. She couldn't think about anything else except him. The last two  weeks she was tortured by the thought of him , and the realization she may have lost him was not something she was ready to face yet.  He called himself a monster and she hated that even now he was thinking of him as one .

       So she avoided it by burying herself with work, Since uttara marriage broke up.  She took up another wedding project. Mr and soon to be Mrs Gupta .  They both were an lovely couple she interviewed one  week ago  and they immediately agreed to hire her and her sister as wedding planners. She was waiting for them in an Cafe where they were going to finalize the wedding location.

       While the bride wanted an extravagant wedding, the groom was inclined towards home wedding. They argued about it last time they met and so Swara asked them to take time and decide about it later. But since the wedding is in two months. She hoped they have decided by today.

                       Wedding planning can be stressful and all time consuming , and she hoped it would keep her thoughts away from him but one look at the couple as they strode inside ,she knew they have been quarreling  and it  was evident when she approached about the location for the wedding. While she didn't know the reason for the anger or disagreement.  She tried her best to resolve it but eventually it escalated to an extent that the groom got up and left the table which resulted in crying bride.

    "Please don't cry, He will be back once he cools down. This kind of events are normal in an wedding "Swara spoke up trying to calm the bride .

    " You don't understand,  It not the wedding location ,  He is unhappy about the bride.. " the bride burst out between the sobs .

               Swara soon learnt the entire bride history ,apparently the groom had an affair with her ,awhile he was dating her best friend . Swara sympathy for the bride turned to dislike when she told her about how her best friend broke up with him when she found about it and to purposely hurt her ,the groom proposed to her and Swara wondered how they tried to believe this was a love marriage when it was driven by revenge and anger .  

             Though she wondered if the bride really loved him to forgive his actions , and after weeping for thirty minutes . She took her leave , and Swara wondered if the wedding will happen given the circumstances ,her heart took a beat to see that love didn't propel those two towards the altar  . She wanted the marriage she undertake to be between two people who loved each other .

     Swara was lost in her thoughts and her eyes carelessly roamed around the others in the cafe , that was when her eyes landed on another couple who were seated on the corner side of the cafe laughing together .

             It made her smile ,to see people genuinely in love and the smile slipped when the man laughed a bit louder ,it was a laughter she was familiar with ,it was a laughter she heard so often and she didn't want it to be true as she walked towards those couple ,yet as her eyes landed on him . She halted mid stride to see her husband .

              She turned to leave before he saw her ,right now his back was turned towards her and yet just a slight turn of head would make him see her . She didn't have it in her to see him ,right now she was filled with jealousy and anger .

           As she went back to her table to gather her belonging the groom returned rather apologetically ,she told him about the bride leaving and she scheduled a appointment for later ,she tried to rush out but at the sound of laughter her eyes drifted back to him .  And she noticed that she wasn't alone in the observation as the groom noticed them as well and his face turned into a mask of fury as she walked past her   to them .


     Sanskar gazed at his friend , and felt relived that today she wasn't glaring at him . After Laksh disappearance and the subsequent events ,he decided that he need to see someone for his anger management and when he first walked into her office ,  he expected the person to be over fifty with kind eyes ,not her .

     Over the course of six months ,she had become a close friend ,and when he called her two weeks ago to tell her about his lapse of control . She gave him such a scathing scold ,his ears still ringed with her words . And yet when he went back for his session ,she was all professional as she patiently listened to him and then tried to make him open up about the reason for his anger .

            But he refused to speak up about her , it has been six months and yet he never talk about her . It was a constant battle between the two of them ,he told her about his parents ,Laksh , and even uttara engagement break up but never about her . 

         And though it wasn't professional to meet outside their sessions , and she tried to ask him to consult with someone else when they began meeting each other not in the confines of her office ,he flatly refused because he didn't see those two lives intruding between them .

          The one hour of his weekly session ,they both acted as professional and outside of it ,she was a good friend who had the knack to make him laugh . He was worried that he may forgot to laugh if not for her .

        He was surprised when her eyes flickered up in surprise as a stranger walked towards them . He never met the stranger before but apparently from the way she tensed up ,he must been her ex . He had never seen her without a smile ,until that one day when she cancelled their session as she wasn't well .

          It was the first time ,he met her out of their session because he felt she needed a friend to talk with and she learned all about her cheating boyfriend who broke her heart .


   "Are you purposely doing it ,trying to show off you have another guy ..Wow that was quick  "the voice was harsh and rough as the stranger spoke to her .

    " I don't think we have anything left to say with each other , it would be in our best interest to avoid each other even if our paths crossed  "Sanskar had to give credit that she remained calm and didn't raise her voice like her ex boyfriend .

  " You think this will stop our marriage,  Don't worry. We will live happily with each other and do you think this guy is serious with you. He is just flirting and once he got bored he will move on,no one can stay with you , you think just because you have a degree that say you understand humans doesn't make you an expert on them ,I know no guy can stay with you  "the guy kept speaking and Sanskar admiration for her grew when she continued to ignore him without showing a hint of anger at his words

   " Enough, Not one more word. You really don't know about me. I never flirt and I am always serious when it comes to relationships. I would never cheat like you. "Sanskar answered back , maybe he still lacked the power to control his anger . He didn't mind letting him assume he was her boyfriend ,he never lied or explicitly said he was dating her. A gasp sound made him turn around to meet a pair of familiar eyes .


                       Swara felt like an bucket filled of ice water was thrown at her when he spoke up , He was serious with her and he moved on. She couldn't hold back the shock of surprise when he  confirmed he was dating her , and when he turned around to see her ,his eyes flared up in surprise and yet he turned around as if he didn't just break her heart into pieces .

      Just like that she had her answer. Her sanskar moved on,  Her legs became wobbly and her eyes began to dim before she realized she fainted and even then she knew his strong hands was holding her from falling down. But he moved on her heart whispered and she hoped she never wake up to the reality as she slipped into unconsciousness.



P. S:" That it for now.. Let me know your thoughts and feedbacks .. Hit the Votes if you liked it  "





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