Chapter Twenty : Losing My Own Fight

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"That's none of your damn business!" I shouted once again, refraining myself from throwing the table across the room.

My father stood up from his chair and glared at me, pointing his finger at himself with much force. "I am your father! I have the right to know what's running on your mind! Especially if it's one of your doings that can ruin our kind!"

Everyone in school was aware of how I became close with Aya. Every where I go in the school, I could hear murmurs and whispers about us. Some of them were even brave to come and ask me straight forward of what Aya did that I was giving her my attention. I answered them my glare. They were all very fucking irritating.

Byo and Carmela were quiet about this and hadn't asked me anything. I could feel that they wanted to ask me though every time when we were in the car on our way home.

Apparently, this interest didn't stop at the students alone. It continued to the nitwit teachers of the school and one of them was too stupidly ardent to tell my father. Tego fucking Mizushima.

Now my father was interrogating me of what I was planning to do with Aya and why was I being close to her. He wouldn't accept that we were just partners in our music project and was pushing that there was something.

I couldn't tell him the truth. I would never tell him the truth.

Snorting, I turned my back at my father and walked towards his office's door. If I stay here longer I knew something bad would happen.

"Are you going to kill her?"

My feet stopped and my body remained frozen on my spot when I heard my own father's question.

What? Was I that too messed up to make him ask that kind of question?

My father's voice ruled the whole room. "If you're planning that then don't do it. Her mother is a very good business partner of -"


I lost it. I had grabbed the couch and thrown it to the door before I could stop myself. The chair broke into two pieces, leaving a long horizontal crack on the wood when it fell down the floor. I faced my father with infuriation etched on my face. "I'm not going to kill Aya."

He huffed at what I said and sat back down on his seat, making me angrier. "You address each other by your given names? Interesting, Ruki. Tell me more about it."

I hardened my stare at him, my hands turning to fists on either side of me. "Maybe you didn't hear me the first time. It's. None. Of. Your. Fucking. Business."

Father didn't seem to hear me and said. "I want you to stay away from her."

Are you fucking kidding me?!

He set a restriction. What the hell was his problem?

Before I could do anything more destructive, I walked out of his office and head to the veranda and tried to calm myself. My hand gripped the wooden rail too hard they broke and turned into ashes in my palms.

I did try that. I had used all of my power to stay away from her but I couldn't. And now that I knew how it was to be with Aya, I don't think I could stop. I didn't want to stop. I wanted to be with her - always. No matter how painful it was for me.

"GODDAMN IT!" I kicked the hell out of one of the sofa chairs until it was distorted into little pieces.

Why couldn't they leave us alone? Why couldn't they mind their own damn business?

I paced to and fro at the porch, thinking of what was the right thing to do. Unfortunately, I came up with nothing.

Restriction had never stopped me before and it couldn't stop me now. I jumped off the veranda and dashed my way to the place where I go almost every night starting last week.

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