Chapter Nine and a Half : Twenty-Fifth of September

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We went to Mt. Takanosu for our field trip. The place is beautiful even the cave.

Ruki Matsumoto looked very... handsome. Specially that he was wearing his casual clothing.

Anyways, He's still giving the cold-icy shoulder.

We were partners in this game that our teacher made.

We have to find our designated stone. I don't know what's ours. Ruki didn't let me take a look on the map. He looked angry so I kept silent.

But the clumsy side of me reared its ugly head and I almost tripped.

I didn't know that I clutched Ruki's arm for support. That was very embarrassing.

He got angry with me again.

Then, everything shook. Earthquake. Earthquake in the cave!

I was trying so hard to stay away from Ruki but all of a sudden I was on the ground and under him.

The heavy big rocks kept on falling it almost made me deaf. They kept on falling on the ground... falling to him. But he managed to stay there, blocking them from me. It's impossible I know. It's fascinating.

His face twisted in grief, I didn't know what to do at that moment.

I wanted to help him but if I move it might make things worst.

So I kept on staring at him and try to ignore the shake of the ground and the rocks that slowly trap us in a dark place.

He told me to shut my eyes, so I did. Then I felt him pushed me to him. I stilled. The air became lighter, colder. I could see light through my closed eyes.

Ruki pushed me away but I kept my eyes close. He said he'd look for help.

When his hand left my shoulder, I felt the sting of pain.

Ruki Matsumoto got us out under the fallen mountain of rocks. I don't know how he did it...

He saved me once again.

A few moments, a lot of students came to my rescue. Our teacher drove me to the nearest hospital. My wound is long but not deep. It doesn't need stitches too but it hurts when I move my arm.

Mom got angry when I got home. She's still at the school right now.

It's just eight in the evening but I better rest.

Also, again. I didn't get to say my thanks to Ruki.

-striked through- (There's this moment when I was under Ruki, when we were still inside the rock trap that when he opened his eyes they were red. His eyes were bright crimson red. ) -striked through-

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