Opposite of Wild & sexy

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Once the music stopped the handsome boy fell to the floor, panting and sweat making his clothes stick to his skin. With unfortunately or more fortunately for Jr lined his well built body. HyeRin called out for him and he ran over, giving them a charming smile that nearly killed Jr. Jr moved to the back of the group in attempt to hide himself. Too bad for him because HyeRin dragged him until he almost crashed in Jackson.

" Park JinYoung meet Jackson Wang. All you need to know about each other is that you're both players," Jackson smirked at Jr and made the latter blush. Everyone was close to vomiting but HyeRin continued," I expect you two to be together by the end of the week and if that happens both of you own me $20."

" So do you dance?" Jackson asked the boy sitting next to him acting like a typical school girl.

Jr shyly nodded and shifted to the side. Jackson let out a deep chuckle and Jr felt his cheeks heating up. Jackson took advantage of his effect on Jr and pinched his cheeks. Jr yelped and stood up.

" I thought you were a player but you're just too cute!"

" Should we just forget about getting him to remember us then?" JungKook asked.

HyeRin had just told JungKook about her meeting with Dr. Kim. He was extremely sad to hear that getting TaeHyung back would hurt V although they were the same person. HyeRin shrugged her shoulders. Sure V is an ass and she would love TaeHyung back but would it be worth making him go through so much pain?

" Forget to remember who?"

" V! What.....I...we-"

" How much did you hear?"

" Just the forget about remembering thing. So what are you guys talking about?" V asked.

The friends shared a look and they were debating whether to tall him absolutely everything or not.

" Well you see we have, well had, a best friend," JungKook started.

" He forgot about us because he has amnesia," HyeRin continued.

" And to get him to remember he has to, well, suffer."

V nodded slowly. The two friends fell silent and V felt them burning holes through him. He felt awkward in the room like he was missing out on a big secret. He walked out of the room and the friends fell onto the couch. Why V??

JungKook was still up until midnight reading through crashes were young boys survived and ended up having amnesia. HyeRin helped for a few hours until she fell asleep on his bed. His eyes were getting heavy and he tried his hardest not to dose off. The door creaked opened which startled JungKook and he lifted his head off the table. He turned to see BamBam and the Thai boy came and took a seat on his bed.

" What are you doing?" He asked as he quickly skimmed through what was on JungKook's laptop screen.

" Ummmm...... Nothing just homework. Why are you still awake?"

" Mark hyung."

JungKook nodded in understanding and went back to his 'homework'.

Flight 234 from Incheon Airport to Los Angeles crashed in the runway. The crash resulted in 239 casualties with only one survivor, a young boy. He was taken care of in hospitals but later taken back to South Korea so doctors could take care of his amnesia problems.

The young boy was called Kim TaeHyung. 

A/N As promised a double update!! hahahaha enjoy, stay safe and health and don't skip your meals and also smile!! :) 

A/N As promised a double update!! hahahaha enjoy, stay safe and health and don't skip your meals and also smile!! :) 

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so true, i live somewhat by this fact!! hehehe have fun, bye~~


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