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After having dinner and getting to know each other better the four tired students retired to their rooms.

JungKook woke up with a start. He though he was dreaming as he could only see black but light was seeping in from the bottom and top. He knew he was blindfolded. His hands were tied by what was most likely to be rope and was seated in a chair. He tried to tugged the rope off his hands with no such luck. Fear crept through his body and he was scared. He wasn't sure what was going on but he wanted to get out.

"F*cking piece of crap," He heard a voice which could only belong to his best friend. He breathed a sigh of relief, now knowing he wasn't alone.


"JungKook? You're here too?" A surpised voice replied

"Yeah but where are we?"

"I don't know but if this knife just let's me cut through this-YES!" HyeRin's knife finally cut through the coarse rope and her hands were free.

She ripped off the blindfold and immediately cut JungKook's ropes. When they were both free they looked around and recognised their surroundings. Once again they were back in the Bulletproof room. They headed towards the door when a hissing sound was heard. Turning back their heads they saw a small bottle with air coming out of it. Sleeping gas. JungKook ran to it, picked it up, opened a window and chucked it out. The two took in deep breaths when they couldn't hold it back anymore. JungKook could see in his best friend's eyes that she had a dark plan to rip someone heads off.

HyeRin tried to pry the door open with no success. Letting out a frustrated scream she high kicked the door out of anger and it was strong enough to take the poor door off it's hinges. When the door crashed into a set of lockers, which was going to be badly dented from now on, 6 boys peered into the room. HyeRin lunged at Rap Mon with the knife in her hand. He caught her wrist and she tried to get loose. Giving up she kicked him in the shins making him let go. She took the chance to punch him in the face. With the force to put into her fist he toppled over onto the floor. She sat on top of him to stop him from coming back up, grabbing his shirt collar tightly while with her other hand her knife was prickling his neck.

"If you think this is some sick game I'll play along but putting my best friend in the middle of this, is crossing a line." She hissed. Rap Mon rolled his eyes before giving her a slight push telling her to get off him.

Standing back up she put away her knife and took JungKook's hand. HyeRin was about to walk away when she heard applause. Confused, the two turned around to see everyone clapping. HyeRin and JungKook titled they heads not understanding what was happening.

"Got free from ropes, didn't succumb to sleeping gas and threatened to cut our leader all in an impressive 20 seconds. You two have lots of potential. I'm Min Yoongi but call me Suga. HyeRin we met in a unique way yesterday I believe?" The boy who HyeRin had kicked was looking at her. She merely shrugged with a small smirk, remembering yesterday's series of events.

"Enough praising. See you never." She turned to walk away.

"Wait," Suga's tone was demanding enough to make the two's blood freeze," Join us."

"What?" JungKook asked.

"You heard me, join us. You're allowed in the room at all times and you're free to skip class without the school on your case."

The friends looked at each other, considering whether they should accept or just run away. They had only known these people for a day and don't know the school's students well. What if they're criminals pretending to be school kids? They certainly seem like the type with kidnapping two young kids and looking like they're underground rappers. But there is one thing that joining this group could help them with.

"Fine." They agreed.

Just to get closer to V. 

V and Kim TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now