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HyeRin was fuming over the information she has received. She didn't get why. V is TaeHyung! Shouldn't it be all celebration and happiness? No she was kicking a rock or whatever else got in her way. Out of frustration she booted a plastic bottle. So heard a re-assuring thwack and smiled. Which dropped as soon as it came when she heard an 'OW!' She turned to see a boy rubbing his head but his face was stained with tears.

" Omo I'm so sorry! What happened to you? Are you alright?"

" No my boyfriend broke up with me."


V pinned JungKook to the sofa and stared deep into his eyes, the glare made the younger sallow even ounce of confidence he had. It was stupid to have pushed a bad boy like V across the line but JungKook was curious. He was still young even if he just turned a year older. He had his needs.

"Jeon JungKook do you want a death wish?" V's deep and dare he say.............yeah voice was killing him and the fact that his breath was touching his neck sent shivers down his spine.

JungKook shook his head and V hardened his glare, if that was possible. JungKook was dead, oh so dead, deader than dead.

" H-hyung please........PWUHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHA HYUNG STOPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!" JungKook squirmed and his head shook left to right furiously trying to get out of V's grip.

The f********* bastard started tickling the shit out of him. V's sinful fingers didn't stop moving on his sides and he almost belly flopped off the sofa.

" Ummmm......" A tiny voice that was almost inaudible compared to JungKook's loud hollering.

However, V's super hearing made him stop. JungKook took in deep breaths before quickly pushing V off and running to the kitchen, keeping a safe distance from him. V turned to see HyeRin and another boy. He had black hair and black glasses with no lenses. He looked like a cat if JungKook and V were honest.

"See? Everyone except me are the same as you," She said as she pointed to JungKook's head popping out from the kitchen and V staring at them on the sofa.

The boy nodded and sniffled cutely, a sort of sniffle that JungKook recognised.

" Hey you have rhinitis too?!" He asked.

The strange boy seemed shock and nodded. JungKook walked towards him and held out his hand.

" I'm Jeon JungKook. Nice to meet you," He introduced himself and smiled brightly.

The boy shook his hand but stood quiet. He looked over at V and tilted his head to the side.

" V."

He nodded again and looked back at HyeRin. She nodded as well and lead him to Mark's room. She twisted the handle but it appeared lock. She did some yoga pose with her hands joined together before giving the door a quick kick and the door came off it hinges. *holy f***, don't mess w/ her O_o*

Mark stood a metre from where the door was taken off and looked at them with wide eyes, BamBam was in his bed and giving them the same look but brightened when he saw the boy next to HyeRin. He hopped off the bed and hugged him, almost suffocating the poor boy.

"Wait why have you been crying? Was it......." BamBam trailed off. The boy nodded.

V took JungKook by the waist and swung him around to face him.

" I though you liked me? Why are you flirting with Sniffles?" He asked, leaning his face closer to JungKook.

" I never said that." JungKook answered and tried to stop himself from blushing.

V rolled his eyes and scoffed. He was about to say something else when he was interrupted by a line that could have been in a horror movie.

" Can I kill Jr now please?"

A/N hi again~~ hehehe well one of my friend wanted me to update one last time b4 i start my exams and i would do anything for my friends and you know who you are so here i am!! hehehe enjoy~~ as usual don't skip your meals, stay healthy and safe and always smile!! :) 

A/N hi again~~ hehehe well one of my friend wanted me to update one last time b4 i start my exams and i would do anything for my friends and you know who you are so here i am!! hehehe enjoy~~ as usual don't skip your meals, stay healthy and safe a...

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here's another quote for you all

here's another quote for you all

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