Chapter 14:" Change of Hearts"

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                                   Hi guys back with an update. Hope it lives upto your expectations.


                    Swara stared at her managalstura willing it to drag her husband here, she never needed his support as much as today ,she knew the truth yet she hadn't been able to defend herself against their accusation. Not because she was scared but she had been too taken back by the accusation .

                         After they got back together.  Sanskaar took her out often and yet two of those occasions were imprinted in her mind in  the last one month.  The first time it was to the place they both actually confessed their love, thinking about those times was painful because back then they never imagined how they would end up hurting each other.  That day was the best in her life. 

                    In that place  they  took their marriage vows again, he tied the scared thread around her neck and Swara felt everything was right once again. It was in the place they promised not to make the same mistake again.  

                         The next instant had been when  Sanskaar took her shopping after the doctor appointment. It was ridiculous how he decided to shop for the baby clothes when  she was just four weeks along and he didn't even know if it an boy or an girl. But he was adamant he is going to get a an girl like her. He actually was quite confident about it.  And in front of his stubbornness she lost and let him buy everything he longed for their child.  Those two moments made her dream of their future together and at the sight of his family ,she feared she may lose it .

                   " Come on Swara, how long will you stay silent.  Give us an answer " the voice came from his mom and she couldnt find it in her to speak, she knew they havent done anything wrong and didnt she tell his mom that she would be content with just being his wife and yet she felt hurt at the accusations hurled at her .

                   " Tell everyone that the child father name is Sanskar Maheshwari. And why would you hesitate to say the truth.  It not as if you were in the wrong  " Swara couldnt unhear the words from Sanskar mom. She looked at her in confusion as if she had misheard her words but the smile the lit up in her family members face was the answer enough that she hadnt heard it wrong. 


               " Sujatha what are you talking about, it has been months since they separated and Sanskar left  the house because of her " the admonishment came from bade maa making her wonder why his mom came to her defense this time around.

             " See Swara, you can speak for length for everyone defense, yet when it comes to you. You stay silent. This time it just not your name, but my grandchild as well.  We have our differences i admit but i am not a fool that i missed seeing the happiness in my son face the last one month.  I may not have talked with him for sometime but i know him and i know you are the reason for his happiness" Sujatha Maheshwari finished speaking up leaving everyone in shock at her declaration.

        " I am sorry mom, we wanted to tell you but.." Swara spoke up filled with gratitude over Sujatha defense . But she was stunned when Sujatha embrassed her instead . 

        " I may not have been the best of mother in law and i admit that Swara, but i do want a chance to try to be one . Frankly it hurt me to realize my son had kept such a huge truth from me and I don't blame both of you ,because likely I would have reacted the way ,you both would have expected out of me but I would never doubt you over this one ,because I may not like you but I do know you love my son as much as he does love you ." his mom words drained the tension she had carried through ever since the arrival of his family .

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