Chapter 32

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*Louis' POV*

       "Okay, so, we're all set?"

       "Yes, Louis, we got it. Gosh, stop freaking out," Harry laughs over the Skype call. I huff in annoyance and glare at the small rectangle with his face in it.

       "Oh, I'm sorry Harold. When you decide to do something this big, I'll make sure to remind you to stop freaking out," I snapped. He just laughed again as Liam and Zayn rolled their eyes.

       "Louis, I hate to say it, but he's right. You're freaking out over nothing. There is no way this can go wrong," Niall explained. I groaned in annoyance and leaned back on the couch, resting my head on the back.

       "There are many ways that this could go wrong, Niall!" I huffed. I watched as all the boys just gave me an exasperated look through the screen.

       "Like how?" Zayn asked.

       "Oh, lets see, I'm doing it in a park, meaning that I could trip and fall into the pond, a random little kid could come running and hit me in the head with a ball, Kayla could run away and never look back, one of you guys miss your flights, the possibilities are endless!" I exclaimed. All the lads just rolled their eyes at me again.

       "The one ones of those scenarios that sound plausible are the first two, honestly Lou. I don't think any kids are going to be in the park that late at night though, so probably not. Therefore, all you have to do is keep your balance and you'll be fine," Harry laughs. I once again am filled with worry, and it looks like they could see it too. "Louis, I'm joking. That girl loves you with everything in her, I don't think it'd matter if you dyed your hair green the day before proposing, she'd still say yes. It doesn't matter about the presentation of this. All that matters is how much she loves you," he explained softly. The rest of lads nodded.

       "And that girl loves you a lot, Louis. Take it from me, I am after all her dad," Liam grinned. I cracked a small smile, looking down a bit.

       "I love her too," I said quietly. Harry groaned as Niall started making gagging sounds, the other two simply rolling their eyes at my words.

        "Yeah, yeah, lover boy. We know, she's all you went on about during tour, how could we not?" Liam said. I chuckled as heat rose to my cheeks, making the lads all laugh. "Relax, you'll be fine. Everything will be fine and we will see you tomorrow," he assured me. I sighed and nodded.

       "Alright. Bye lads."

       I heard the front door close, and my head snapped up as I watched Kayla walked back into the house, a few bags from the grocery store hanging off of her arms as she walked back into the house. I jumped up from the couch, taking a couple of the bags off of her arms, kissing her on the cheek.

       "How was your shopping trip?" I asked her, helping her start unloading the bags. I pull out a box of Tampons, a disgusted look coming to my face as I slowly pushed them towards her. She laughed and threw a dishrag at my head.

       'It was fine. A couple of fans wanted a picture, but that's normal,' she shrugged. I nodded my head at her words.

       "Kayla?" her head turned to look at me. "You don't get hate, do you? I know that some of the lads and I's past girlfriends did, and I just want to make sure you aren't," I explained.

       'I'm not. Besides, even if I was, we both know that I had been through worse. It's not like we need to worry,' she signed. I sighed and walked around the island in our kitchen, wrapping my arms around her waist.

       "I know that you're tough, love. I just don't want to see anyone saying anything about you," I said as she wrapped her arms around my neck, a smile grazing her lips. She nuzzled her nose against my cheek, a smile forming on my own lips.

       "I love you," I sighed, kissing her gently. She smiled against my lips, mouthing the words against my lips. "Forever."

My Hope (Louis Tomlinson FanFic) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now