Chapter 29

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*Kayla's POV*

"So, Kayla," Liam started, sitting at the dining table across from me. I looked up from my breakfast at him expectantly. "We have a thing to sort out. So, every Christmas, we all go to our families to celebrate with them. We send Louis' presents with him and Skype him as he opens them, so it's sort of like we are there. Now, here's the question: who do you want to go with?" he asked.

"Who does she have the option to go with?" Harry asked from his seat on my left. Liam shrugged.

"I was thinking along the lines of me or Louis. Whichever one, really," he explains. Louis smiled at me from my right, making me smile slightly back.

"Why couldn't she come with one of us?" Niall mocks offence. Liam rolls his eyes, pointing between himself and Louis.

"Dad, technically, and boyfriend. Really the only two options I think are reasonable," he stated. Harry gasps.

"But, she's my little sister!" he protests. I look at him with a raised eyebrow, making him laugh, slinging his arm across my shoulder.

"Nuh, uh! I am not your father," Liam protested, throwing his hands up. Zayn clasps his hands in front of his mouth, breathing deeply.

"Harry, you are a wizard and I am your father!"

The boys all laugh while I look confused, I'm sure. I understand the Harry Potter part, but not the other one. Louis notices my facial expression and laughs a bit longer.

"I'll show you the movies some time," he promises. I nod as the boys all look back at me.

"So, Liam or Louis, love?" Zayn asked. I shrug and point to my head, shaking my finger. "Do you want us to decide?" he threatens. I shrug and he sighs "I say she goes with Louis," he said. Liam nodded.

"I was thinking the same thing. I think Louis' mum would be ticked to no end if she had the opportunity to meet her son's girlfriend and missed it. Lou, is that okay?" Liam turns to him. Louis grins and presses a kiss to my cheek.

"That is more than okay," he said. The boys all nodded in agreement as we finished our food.

-Five days before Louis' Birthday-

"Okay, Lou, take care of her. Please, no losing her. Kayla, stop freaking out, Lou's family is great, they'll love you," Liam assured me. I inhaled deeply, nodding me head hesitantly. Louis wraps his arm around my waist comfortably, his luggage in his other hand.

We are currently in line for customs at the airport. Of course, all the boys have a private plane to get places, but there was only one. Harry and Zayn had already left this morning with it, going to the middle point between both their homes and their parents are picking them up. Niall and Liam are here to see me and Louis off to our first class flight to Doncaster to stay with his parents.

"He's right, Kayla. My mum will love you," he said. I sighed and nodded, resting my head on his shoulder.

Liam and Niall dug in their carry-ons , pulling out two packages each, handing one to Lou and I each. I smile at both the boys as I take my birthday gifts. We had already opened Christmas presents on the bus a few days ago, except me and Louis from each other. We wanted to wait and open them all together.

"Thanks, lads. We'll see you in a couple weeks, yeah?" Louis assures. The boys both nod, taking us into hugs.

"Have a good time at the Tomlinson house, love. You'll be fine," Niall told me. I smiled and kissed his cheek as he went over to Louis.

"No need to be shaking, Kay. Things will go fine," Liam said. I shakily nodded. I've never been so nervous in my life. Liam pulled me into a hug, kissing my hairline. "Happy birthday. Again, don't be nervous."

I looked up at Liam shakily, signing to him. 'What if they think I'm a freak?' I asked. His facial features softened.

"Love, I know his entire family, they would never think that about you. They will see a very strong girl who went through a very tough past," he said. I smiled gratefully up at him, pulling him into a final hug.

"Ready?" Louis appeared beside me, his luggage trailing behind him. I nodded and grabbed my own, waving at the other two boys as we boarded out plane.

-Skip Plane Ride Because I Don't Want To Write That-

"Kayla, we've landed," Louis whispers, shaking my shoulder gently. I fluttered my eyes open, stretching and nodded. "My mum and sisters should be waiting for us," he told me. I nodded again as he got our carry on bags off the shelf, handing me mine.

Louis took my hand, guiding me off the plane. We stepped off into the airport, standing in the crowd. As he looked around for his family, his arm found its way around me waist, him standing on his toes in order to see over peoples heads.

"LOUIS!" I heard a girl's scream. A flash of blonde hair followed by the same exact picture ran in front of me colliding with my boyfriend's chest, making his arm fall from my waist.

"Daisy! Phoebe!" he cheered, wrapping his arms around the two young girls. I smiled at the sight as two more teenagers came running towards him. "Fizzy! Lottie!" he greeted. They all joined together in a huge hug as I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around, being met by a woman with dark hair and blue eyes (A/n: ?) who looked a lot like Louis. This must be his mum.

"You're Kayla?" she questioned, not in a rude way, but a way to check that that was indeed who I was. I smiled and nodded, her returning the favor before pulling me into a hug. "I'm Johannah, it's lovely to meet you."

I hesitantly wrapped my arms around her small frame. I could see Louis and his sisters grinning at us over her shoulder as she pulled away from the hug.

"Welcome to the family."

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