Chapter 20

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*Kayla's POV*

       I froze in shock after seeing father. How did he get here? He was supposed to be back at home, not here! I thought he wouldn't be anywhere close to being near us after all the traveling we've been doing. I should have known he would have found me somehow.

       He approached our table, and I sort of just tuned out everything he was saying, too shaken by my own fear to tune into the world. The only thing I was aware of was Louis' hand on my own, giving me a sense of comfort. His thumb ran over my knuckles, trying to calm me down.

      "I think you should leave," I heard Zayn say lowly after I had tuned back into the real world. Father sent him an icy glare before turning his gaze back to me. He reached his hand out to me, making me cower back into Louis' side. He gripped onto my hand with his other hand before pulling me under the arm that I had been holding originally.

       "Come, Kayla. We can finally go home now," father says, pushing his hand further towards me. I whimpered slightly as he sent me a glare. Louis tightened his grip on me, pulling me further away from father.

       "I said, I think you should leave," Zayn repeated. Father turns towards him, snarling.

       "Who are you to tell me what to do? She's my daughter and she is coming home with me. Now." He reached his arm out, gripping onto the crook my elbow, pulling me up and off the seat. I let out a whimper.

       All the lads shot up, Louis wrapping his hand around father's wrist.

       "I suggest you let her go," he growled. His voice was low and menacing, scaring even me. (Gif up top [Yus, I know its kinda laughable...shush, the big teddy bear is angry!]) His eyes were dark, filled with anger.

       "Let go of me," father says sharply, shaking his arm to get Louis to let go, jerking my arm in the process. I let out another whimper of pain.

       "Is there a problem here?"

       We turned our heads to see Paul standing there, his arms crossed and his eyebrows raised. Releif flooded over me. Paul could help.

       "Yes, there is. These...these- boys! have kidnapped my daughter and refuse to let her come back home!" he proclaimed. Paul just rolled his eyes, holding up a piece of paper. It was the warrant for father's arrest.

       "Well, Mr. Lotson, you can drop the act. I know all about what you have been doing to your daughter. Now, step away from the girl and we won't have any problems," Paul said. Father's grip on my arm tightened. He turned to face me, his face red and eyes full of rage.

       "YOU LITTLE SLUT!" he yelled at me. I cowered back, trying to escape his hold, but it was too tight. "YOU BEEN WH***ING AROUND WITH THESE BOYS, HAVEN'T YOU?" he screamed. I whimpered and shook my head, trying to back away again. It still didn't work.

      Paul and a few other security guards came running as father raised his other hand, going to slap me. His hand flew down before they could reach him. I tensed all my muscles and closed my eyes tightly, waiting for the familiar sting of his hand. However, it never came.

       I opened my eyes, seeing Louis standing there, his hand on his cheek, which I could see already turning a bright red. Father's eyes became darker with outrage as the security men grabbed him, forcing him to still as he attempted to remove their hold.

       Liam was on the phone with the police and the boys other than Louis were all trying to block me from the line of sight of the fans and paparazzi that had gathered, but I didn't care at this moment.

       I broke through the circle of three boys, reaching towards Louis' face. I cupped his jaw in my hands, pulling his own away from his throbbing cheek. He looked me in the eyes as I felt a tear slip down my face, running my thumb over the place where father had hit him.

       He grabbed my hands from his face. "I'm alright, love," he said. I shook my head, tears falling freely down my face. Father started screaming profanities at me as the police arrived, taking him away. "C'mon," Louis said. He pulled me under his arm and led me towards the restrooms.

       Louis opened the men's bathroom, making me shake my head. He just rolled his eyes and dragged me in, locking the door after he pulled me in. It was a single use bathroom, making me feel a bit better, but still uneasy. Louis turned towards me, smiling sadly. He grabbed my hands, walking forward, making me walk backwards. I felt the counter on my back, making me stop walking. He let go of my hands, grabbing my waist and picking me up, putting me on the counter.

       "You alright?" he said softly. I nodded my head slowly. "It'll be alright, I promise. You saw the police out there, he'll be locked up forever now," he said. I just nodded, looking down. Louis sighed, rubbing his hands up and down my arms. I looked up at him, gesturing towards his face.

       He looked confused, so I ran my hand along the mark again softly. He softly smiled at me again. "I'm alright love," he promised. I raised an eyebrow, making him chuckle. He placed his arms around my waist, looking at me in the eyes. "I told you I would protect you, never doubt that," he said.

       I don't know where my sudden courage came from, but it was there I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him further towards me. His eyes widened a bit at the sudden action as he lost his balance, making him move his arms from around my waist to behind my back, holding him up on the wall.

       Our faces were directly in front of each other, our noses touching. Our breathing hitched as we stared at each other. His wide eyes fluttered closed after a second, as did mine. I could feel his warm breath on my lips as he leaned closer.

       His lips landed on mine hesitantly, as if he was trying to not scare me. Once he sensed no resistance, he pressed his lips on my fully. I moved my own against his at the same pace as his own. We both smiled into the kiss.

       I felt something I hadn't in a long time...I felt like someone actually cared.

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