Chapter 5

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*Kayla's POV*

'Why is that light so bright? Who's shining it in my eyes? Why haven't they turned it off? Wait...this isn't the ground. I distinctly remember getting knocked out and falling on the concrete. This feels soft? Where am I?'

"Lads! She's moving!" A voice called out. It was a male, I could hear that. And he was British.

'Oh my gosh. Was I kidnapped and raped? Oh God, please don't let this be happening to me!'

I could hear footsteps come from all directions around me. They all stopped once they had gotten pretty loud, letting me know that they were close to me.

I barely opened one of my eyes, hoping for the people to not catch me. Alas, this did not happen, seeing as I opened one of my green eyes to be met by a blue eye looking directly at mine, about an inch away from my own.

I jump back, startled, as the boy does the same, him letting out an audible scream. I cower into the corner of what I have discovered to be a couch.

"Lou! We don't want to scare her to death!" Another boy yelled at the blue eyed boy. This boy had black hair and dark brown eyes. He had a couple of tattoos visible on his arm, as far as I could see.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you, love!" The blue eyed boy, who's name was name was apparently Lou, said, looking at me. He had brown hair pushed up in a small quiff on top of his head.

I sat there, looking at all the other people who surrounded me. All of them were males, around my age if not a little older.

One had curly brown hair and sparkling green eyes. He was pretty tall and had a pretty sharp jawline.

The one beside him had blonde hair with brown roots, and blue eyes. He was shorter than curly haired boy and he was holding a guitar in him lap as he sat on a couch beside mine.

Standing beside 'Lou' was a boy with brown hair and brown eyes. He had a birthmark on his neck and he smiled warmly at me as I looked around the room, still hiding in the corner of my couch.

"Look at what you did, Lou! You made her speechless! Hope you didn't scare the voice out of her!" Blondie said. He surprisingly had an Irish accent, rather than the other two boys who had spoken, who had British accents, like my father.

"I'm sorry about that, love. Lou can be a bit crazy," said the curly haired boy. He walked over to me, causing me to move backwards again. He frowned, but soon replaced it with a flirty smile, sticking out his hand. "I'm Harry, Harry Styles." He winked as I just looked around in fear. Brown hair and brown eyes walked up.

"Come on lads, don't overwhelm her. I'm sorry love, I'm Liam. Ignore the strangeness that is these boys." He sent me a smile which I lifted one corner of my mouth to.

"I'm Niall, 't's lovely to meet ya," said the Irish boy. He send a small wave over to me, causing me to smile a little more. A victorious smile stretched across his face seeing the corners of my mouth lift up a little higher.

"'M Zayn." Raven haired boy said.

"And I'm Louis! Sorry about how you woke up, I just wanted you to see the most beautiful thing in the room first when you woke up!" 'Lou' said, flexing his arms. The rest of the boys rolled their eyes and chuckled a bit.

"So, what's your name?" Liam asked me. I looked at him, not saying anything. "You don't have to be shy, we're not going to hurt you."

I shook my head at him, causing a frown to reach his face. He looked at the other lads for help. Niall put his guitar down in his chair and stood up.

"Are ya hungry? Food always makes me self feel better, ya know?" he asked, heading to what I assumed to be the kitchen. He came back a couple of seconds later, a plate with two slices of pizza on it. "We ordered this about an hour ago. Still good."

I hesitantly took the plate from his hands , looking down at the pizza which had sausage, pepperoni, bacon and peppers on it. I took off a piece of sausage and stuck it in my mouth, not used to the taste, seeing as I haven't eaten real food in a long time.

"So, what's your name, love? Or do you just not feel like telling us?" Harry asked. I looked up at all the boys who were looking back at me, awaiting an answer. I opened my mouth, closing it again, knowing that I couldn't say it even if I wanted to.

"Lads..." Liam spoke up. We all looked over at him. "I don't think that she doesn't want to, I just don't think that she can."

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