Chapter 26

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*Louis' POV*

I pulled up to the parking lot of the restaurant which Harry had told me about. Kayla was sitting in the passenger seat of the rental car. I was sweating buckets as I pulled into the parking spot. Tonight has to go perfect.

"You ready?" I breathed down shakily. Kayla sent me a smile and nodded to me, placing her hand on my arm in reassurance. I opened my door and ran around the front of the car, opening Kayla's door before she could try to get out herself.

She looked beautiful, there's no denying. The dress fit her perfectly and her hair framed her face beautifully. Her green eyes were radiant and looked happier than I had since the first day I had seen her.

We entered the very nice restaurant, me holding the door open for her, of course. She smiled her thanks at me and continued into the restaurant. I wrapped one of my arms around her waist, guiding her to the front podium where the receptionist stood, a large and fake smile plastered on her face.

"Reservation for Tomlinson," I told her. She looked down at her book, nodding her head.

"Follow me, please, Mr. Tomlinson," she said. I nodded and followed behind her, my arm still wrapped around Kayla's waist. The lady led us to a small, secluded booth in the back of the restaurant. Kayla took one side of the booth and I took the other, our menus being placed in front of the both of us.

After a 'thank you' to the lady, we were left in silence. I scanned my menu, finally deciding what I wanted to eat. I put down my menu, seeing Kayla still looking down at her own, her eyebrows furrowed. After few moments, she put it down, sending me a small smile.

*Kayla's POV*

I looked up at Louis as he glanced around nervously. I think we were both a bit nervous for tonight. Louis exhaled a bit, sending me a small smile. One came across my own face as Louis' hands started moving.

'What is you getting?'

I chuckled a bit at his small error, but still amazingly touched that he had started to learn sign language to make it easier to communicate with me.

'Spaghetti and meatballs. Only thing I recognized on there.' I chuckled. He tried to keep up with my fast movements, so I slowed down. He smiled at me.

'Not a bad choice.'

'How long have you been learning sign language?'

"Umm...what? Sorry, I'm really slow."

'Time, learning sign language? You can speak, I will sign.'

"Oh, um, I've been learning since you told me you knew it, a few weeks ago," he explained. I smiled at him in admiration.

However, after that, we didn't talk much. I didn't know what to say, or how much he would understand. He ordered for us and then the new waitress brought our food back for us, fluttering her eyelashes at Louis, making me duck my head. I couldn't help but think of how it would be if I was normal, if I could (or would) speak. Would Louis like me more? Or would it be easier to have a relationship? I'm sure it would be.

I just sat here, picking at my plate mindlessly. I would shovel tiny amounts in my mouth every once in a while, but I was too lost in my own thoughts to do anything else. After a while, Louis looked up at me.

"This is boring, isn't it? You look bored. Gosh, I'm sorry, Kayla, I didn't mean to bore you, I'm just nervous and I don't know wha-"

'Louis! Calm down, this is fine, don't worry.' I cut him off. A smile slowly creeped onto his face.

"No. This is boring. And I don't do boring. Let's go, let's do something else," he said, throwing a couple of bills onto the table, grabbing his coat and standing up. He walked around the table and grabbed my hand, pulling me up and out of the seat. I giggled and followed him out the door, into the now rainy night.

"Oh, dang it! I'm sorry, I didn't realize that it was raini-What are you doing?" he asked abruptly. I ignored him and ripped my hand out of his grasp, running to the middle of the parking lot, giggling.

*Louis' POV*

I watched with a wide smile on my face as Kayla spun around in the middle of the parking lot. Her arms were spread wide as she giggled, the rain hitting her face, making her look more and more beautiful by the second.

Man, I really am smitten.

My Hope (Louis Tomlinson FanFic) *Completed*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora