Chapter Twenty Three~

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I stare at the test like I have been for the past three minutes. I can't be a mom I'm not ready to be a mother.

The I had it all planned out; I was going to go to college and law school then become a lawyer. I wanted to have a long career and be married before I even thought about kids, and I wanted to be married for a couple years; because who knows if I'll even enjoy being married. Gosh this is all just so overwhelming. I can't deal with it! I jerk open my bathroom door and almost bump into someone. Aiden. I forgot he was here.

He looks at me; waiting for me to say something. Something that might ruin his life. I might ruin his life. Oh gosh what if I am pregnant; what if he hates me now?

"Well?" He asks so quietly. I look back at him and all I can do is shrug. His falls even more. A look of fear is placed in his eyes. I'm scared too. We just watch each other waiting for my timer to ding. Finally after what seems like hours; the timer I set on my phone goes off. A part of me wants to rush in and see but the other half wants to cower away. Aiden sucks in a deep breathe before taking my small hand. He shoots me a look saying 'he's here.' I nod slightly; turning together we walk into look at the little pink and white stick. I glance back at Aiden before peering down at the stick.

Two lines stare back at me. I suck in a deep breathe before letting out a shaky one. Tears form in seconds and Aiden's arms are around me. My world kind of crashes. My eyes are clouded with tears and Aiden's ears are filled with my sobs. I just can't do this. I pull away from him.

"Aiden, I think you should leave." I say too him. Looking away from him cause I can't bare to look at him right now. I mean I just ruined his life. There is a pause for a moment; everything grows deeply quiet and awkward. Finally I hear the door shut and I know he has left. I dispose of the test; not being able to look at it anymore.

I tie my hair up in a messy bun, growing sweaty from stress. I wipe my face and look in the mirror. My mascara is now smeared on my face. My eyes are bloodshot and puffy from crying. I grab a washcloth and wet it before scrubbing my face. Trying to get the makeup off.

I need see the doctor. I'll call and make an appointment.


"Ms. Kane?" I tear my eyes away from the table with magazines about pregnancy, and motherhood. I stop biting my nails nervously and stand up out of the small chair in the waiting room.

The nurse smiles at me as she holds open the door. I walk past her; I follow her down the hall until we stop in front of a room. She motions for me to go in. I take a seat on a chair in the room. She closes the door and flips through papers on her clipboard.

"Alison Kane?" She says my name. I nod.

"What are you here for today?" The woman asks.

"I think Im pregnant." I force myself to say the words. She nods.

"Alright well we can send you to the lab and get some work done." She explains writing something down. I nod. They are going to have me pee in a cup. Ew.

"You can make your way down to the lab when your ready." She opens the door.

"Okay, thank you." She nods before exiting the room. I take a deep breathe before standing up and making my way to the lab. I've had to get blood work done there before so I know where it's at. As I walk into the small room I see two woman siting in the tiny waiting area. I sign my name on the sign in sheet before going to the bathroom which in also in the room.

I close the door and grab one of the cups and the permanent marker stationed beside it. I write my name and Birth date. I do the test and give it to the nurse. She smiled and hands it to another woman in the room.

"We will give you a call when we get the results hun." She explains.

"Alright." I mutter before leaving the lab. As I leave the doctor office I pass several pregnant women. I looked at their bellies and thought 'Is that going to be me?'

Once I finally get home I try and do the only thing that makes me feel better when I'm stressing out, sleep. I change into some comfy clothes and slide under my comforter. I snuggle up under it and lay my head on my cold, but comfortable pillows. I close my eyes expecting to fall asleep shortly but it doesn't happen. No, instead I laid there for forty five minutes.

I jump when my phone rings, echoing through my quiet room, also scaring my dogs.

"Hello?" I answer curious to who it is.

"Ms. Kane this is Rosewoods Doctor Office calling to let you know that your test came back negative." My breathe hitches. Really? I'm overwhelmed with relief and a smile lands on my face. But I also feel something different, disappointment? No. I can't be disappointed, Im glad Im not pregnant yet.

"Thank you so much." I don't know why I thank her. I then hang up and call Aiden.

"Hello?" He answers gruffly. I ignore his tone.

"Come over now!" I shout into the phone. I'm not pregnant.

"I'm not pregnant." I say it out loud. I'm not having a baby yet. Then why was I getting sick? That's extremely odd. I shrug it off, of well it will pass.

It's not that I don't ever want a baby; I just don't want one right now. I'd maybe like to have one with Aiden one day, if we were married maybe. But right now isn't the time cause we are both still figuring our relationship out.
So I had you all fooled!

You thought she was pregnant, well she isn't lol

Maybe one day though ;)

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Love you all soo much!!

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